New Year's Resolutions | Teen Ink

New Year's Resolutions

January 24, 2022
By Anonymous

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Happy New Year! New year, new people and new ideas that people bring into their lives to make a change in themselves. New year resolutions are a topic that everyone talks about around this time of year but they are also a topic that most people have the same answer for such as working out more, or eating healthier. Yet, what most people don’t really think about is how much more we can expand on new year's resolutions and ideas for how to make this year better than the last. When I was younger during the new year, instead of making resolutions, my family and I would choose a word for the year. This word would have to be something that you incorporate into your mindset and goals for the year. 

For example, the last few years my words have been independence, friendliness, and motivation. These words were used throughout the year to help me to do things myself and try my best. Things like, “make new friends and expand to new groups of people, and to work harder and get a schedule and plan to help stay organized” Little things that help you get to the goal you want in that year. Yes, people still use resolutions but no one ever actually follows them through for a whole year. Who has ever said they would work out everyday for the new year and actually worked out everyday? Many people have said they would eat healthier but are spotted snacking on kit-kats in the kitchen at midnight.

 There are many other resolutions people can choose to have such as trying to be a kinder person or help their personality grow to be better than they believe. However, when it comes to June, 6 months through the new year, will you still be doing your new year's resolutions? It’s easy to remember a word for a year that helps you get into the right mindset and incorporate it into your everyday life with different scenarios than having to religiously follow a guide. Next year try using a word for your new year's resolutions and maybe you will learn to grow with that word and set a better mindset for yourself.

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