Why do teenagers vape? | Teen Ink

Why do teenagers vape?

January 3, 2022
By Tony04 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Tony04 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No matter how devastated you may be by your weaknesses or uselessness, set your heart ablaze" Rengoku Kyojuro

When I think of teenagers vaping, I think of them wanting to be or look cool for others. I was never introduced to vaping since i'm not that kind of teenager but the ones who are that are addicted to it. Teenagers vape to be the cool one but they sometimes change and become a toxic person and it can mess them up. Now when I think of vaping in general, I think of vaping ads like “The real cost” when they show and tell the facts about vaping and what it can deliver to your lungs. They also say, “nothing is scarier than the facts” meaning that vaping can make you sick or kill you.

Next when i think of vaping, I think of vape trick videos on YouTube like a guy can do various tricks with vaping for example, he can make a circle and break it apart and he can make another circle go through it, he can even blow a bubble with the vape in it and make it float which for me is fascinating to see, especially if they’re in different colors.

Then it occurs to me that vaping is still addictive and still a problem, the reason being is because it's able to send toxic metals into your lungs, but vape tricks are cool to see as long as the person doing it is responsible and not encouraging others to do this. Teenagers still vape to this day but they don’t realize that it's affecting them and it makes it harder for them to study and in the article by the editorial board, The new york times said “ sickened more than 2,000 people and killed at least 4” which is that risk. Yes vaping can substitute for smoking and help teenagers and adults quit but how I saw it was “I don't care, I'm not doing that ever” because I'm not a sucker for that.

Now I wonder what can be done to get teens to quit vaping, most of the time I ignore it since I have a life of my own but it's not all that easy to make others quit without showing evidence or facts about the risks of it since it can harm your lungs and make you sick. Stopping teengers from vaping isn’t too easy but it's manageable since companies of these products lure teenagers to buy and start vaping. Other adults want to argue against that because most are becoming sick and having damage to their lungs. When teens realize for themselves about vaping it's up to them to quit themselves because they know this isn’t them, sure they can lose a few friends but what’s more worth it, yourself or being cool with your friends? The answer is up to them and you. 

The author's comments:

what inspired me to write this was because of the vaping ads.

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