Freedom For Nassmina al Sada | Teen Ink

Freedom For Nassmina al Sada

May 31, 2021
By Anonymous

Nassmina al Sada wakes every morning in her prison cell, hoping to escape one day. Unfortunate Nassmina al Sada has been imprisoned for standing up against the violation of women rights in Saudi Arabia, she wants equality between men and women, but instead of equality, she has been “verbally and physically assaulted with torture tools by the Saudi government”, if there is anybody who can change this it is teen ink, we need to spread awareness to people so that as people we can contribute and help to give back the freedom of these women right activists like Nassmina al Sada. 


Nassmina al Sada is standing up and protesting for women to get back their fundamental humans rights in Saudi Arabia. She is pushing for political parties to stop violence and sexual harassment towards women in Saudi Arabia. She wants Saudi Arabian women to drive cars and not be banned from such fundamental rights. Nassmina al Sada has been campaign/protesting for multiple years. Yet, no change has come in the past years except on “June 24, 2018. When the driving ban was lifted in Saudi Arabia”, but women are still missing fundamental rights. “They are verbally and physically assaulted daily in Saudi Arabia, this needs to stop now”.


The freedom of Nassmina al Sada has been taken away and locked up. “This is unacceptable”, said a judge who released Nassmina al Sada but somehow, days after the verdict, this judge was fired from his job and never found again. This caused the release of Nassmina al Sada to stop leading her to lose her lawyer and be in the hands of the royal court, which sentenced her to a year of solitary confinement with no parole. She was imprisoned for supporting the lifting of the driving ban in Saudi Arabia, said the guardian. She took part in a campaign/protest with loads of activists and bloggers to shine a light on the violation of women's rights in Saudi Arabia. And then, months later, she was captured by the Saudi government and taken to prison on August 2, 2018, by Saudi forces and the Saudi human rights organization. Yet, somehow she is still in jail to this day; over a year after she should have been released from prison, she has appealed for many court cases, yet they all have been declined.


Nassmina al Sada and other women's rights activists who were caught on “August 2, 2018”, have been “tortured with electric shocks and floggings”, said the Washington Post, after Nassmina al Sada and three other women right activist was put in solitary confinement, they were verbally and physically abused, this went so far that “one of the women's right activist was sexually assaulted” said the wall street journal, this was so bad that “these women right activists tried to commit suicide”.


Nassmina al Sada is still stuck in prison where her human rights are being violated every single day, this has to stop; she should not be beaten or shocked for supporting the rights of women, and for wanting equality between men and women, she should not have to be in prison she needs to be set free she is trying to make a better world not a worse one, so we need to raise our voices and take action for Nassmina al Sada cause she deserves freedom as much as you and me.

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