If This is Heaven...Where is She? | Teen Ink

If This is Heaven...Where is She?

February 13, 2011
By suckerpunch234 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
suckerpunch234 BRONZE, Madison, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
The imagination exercises a powerful influence over every act of sense, thought, reason,
-- over every idea.
Latin Proverb


Carrie Smithe saw her motheer die a slow miserable deathe. Her nightmares are becoming more real for her and she ends up in the Asylum. But when her roommate kills her, Carrie finds herself in thee presents of Code. Will Carrie find her mom in theis place seeming like heaven, or is she in thee wrong place at thee wrong time?

Tags: Family

Jordin G.

If This is Heaven...Where is She?

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