Going Crazy | Teen Ink

Going Crazy

May 24, 2011
By Anonymous

I’m here to tell you about my story, my incredible life threatening story that with you reading can get you in trouble. See, I’m not a normal 13, going on 14, year old girl. I am very special and important, not to brag, but I am. I really don’t like it but I am. I can’t tell you right here but you can read my story just turn the page. It all starts with a dream………

“Annabelle”! I heard my friend, Marissa, yelling. I turned and saw her running toward me. I smiled back and said “Hey “. We talked on the walk home about simple things like clothes and school. When we reached her house we exchanged goodbyes and I said I would see her later. I stared to head to my house when I saw a van moving at a really slow pace for a car. Was the car stalking me? I did what my mom always told me to do and started running. Oh no I thought to myself. I’m on the wrong side of the road! I did the stupid thing and tried to slip by the van to the other side. All the van did was get in my way. I was aware of a sharp pain in my chest as I saw a man come out of the car. That’s when I woke up screaming.

My mom rushed in asking if I was ok. I told her I was fine and that I just had a bad dream. “Do you want to talk about it “? She asked with concern. “No, I don’t think so”. I answered slowly. ”Ok”, she said as she got up. “Well get ready for school you don’t wanna be late”. I got dressed, brushed my teeth a normal school morning. Since my dad was at work in the mornings and had our only car I always had to ride my bike in the morning. I was on my way to school when the pain in my chest started to build up just like in my dream when a voice bellowed “14 “! Then everything suddenly turned black.

I woke up to a bright light and distant voice. I could already tell I was in a hospital because of the smell. I heard someone say “yea, it’s like she didn’t even see the car in front of her she didn’t even try to dodge it”. A car? I thought to myself. I slowly stared to feel pain. Every inch of me hurt. With every breath I took I felt a pinching coming from my chest so I guessed I must have broken some ribs. A nurse walked in. “Are you feeling ok”? She asked with sincere words.” Well it kinda hurts right here”, I said pointing to my chest. “Alright”, she said mostly to herself. She went over to my I.V. and pressed a button. I immediately felt better, “Your chest hurts because you broke two ribs”. I knew it! I thought. My mom rushed in and saw I was awake. “Are you ok”? “I’m so scared to hug you, you look so broken”! She never hugged me she just sat at the edge of the bed. “What happened”? She asked immediately. “Do you remember what happened”? “Not really”, I said. I really didn’t and it gave me a headache when I tried to remember. “Yea the doctor said it might take a little while for it to come back to you”, her words sounded nonchalant but her face gave away that she was worried about me. It started to get awkward because there wasn’t really anything else to talk about. “So, what did happen”, I asked after a period of time. “Well, and this is only second hand, you were riding your bike as usual and when you weren’t looking you got hit by a car”. “Who told you”, I asked. “Your friend ummm Marissa”. Everything was starting to come back to me and Marissa was definitely not there. “Mom can I, like, have a minute alone”, I asked. “Of course”, she said as she walked out of the room. I didn’t know why I wanted her out of the room, just to think, but that’s what I did. I took advantage of the time I had alone and my brain started turning. Did the dream I had this morning have anything to do with what had happened to me or was it just sheer coincidence? I had no idea about both. I started to really start freaking out. I was aware of a loud beeping noise and it was coming from the heart monitor I was hooked up to. A doctor rushed in and started yelling for people. I didn’t understand what was happening because I felt perfectly fine. Suddenly I saw images flashing before my eyes. First a group of girls but they looked old timey definitely not from this century. Then I saw a grave yard but one of them stood out specifically to me. It read: Annabelle Phlox 1998-2012. That part got me really freaked out. I came out of the images and the doctor was still yelling for people, it’s like time froze. Suddenly the doctor stopped and started stuttering “I-I don’t understand she was dying she-she then she came back”! “What do you mean she was dying”, my mom demanded. “She flat lined”!! The doctor said almost yelling. So that would explain the beeping noise. “Listen I have seen some pretty weird stuff but never in my life have I seen a patient recover from a flat line in 5 seconds”! “Stop yelling your scaring my daughter”! Suddenly all eyes fell on my and I started to get uncomfortable. Everyone started saying crazy things like I was special and that I need to be tested in a scientific lab. I was scared through most of it but my mom started to turn into mother bear and all so everything was fine. The doctors agreed that I could stay until I was fully healed but the catch was that they get to have a sample of my blood but that was all I would agree to. I really really hated needles.
Over the course of two weeks I finally got to leave the hospital and the whole blood sample thing wasn’t such a big deal though I did have to apologize to the nurse for biting his hand but other than that it wasn’t so bad. I got to go home that day and go to school the next.
When I got home I was still really tired and all I wanted to do was lay down but my mom wouldn’t let me she said “You have been laying down for two weeks straight its time you started being up and about”. So I started to do my homework, my teacher said I didn’t have to do the assignments but I insisted, I really wanted to learn all that could because I was planning on going to college.
I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing and when I got up my mom came into my room. “Do you want me to drive you”? She asked. “What about dad”? “Oh he took off work for a few days”, I got up and saw that he was lying on the couch asleep. “Why is he so tired”? “Well, sweetie he’s been up this whole time at the hospital watching you”. “Oh, I guess I didn’t think of that”, I got up and got ready to school.
When mom dropped me off at school a bunch of my friends came and swarmed around me asking me about what had happened. I told them all the story and everyone in the whole school seemed to know after that. Gossip really can spread fast. The bell rang and I had history as my first class. I was assigned a buddy and she was going to tell me everything that I had missed. She was telling my about how they were learning about these four girls about our age who were called the “Four sisters” and that they could see the future. She told me everything in detail and in an exited way; I could tell that she was really into this stuff. The one thing that she told me that really stuck out was that almost all of them went crazy. “This isn’t really true is it”? I asked really curious now. “I really doubt it but if they were I would so want to meet them, wouldn’t you”? The bell rang for my next class and I had the “Four sisters” story stuck in my head all day.
Story: Once upon a time there were four girls who weren’t at all related but called them selves sisters because they were so close. One day they all started to have weird visions of the future and figured out that they all had the same power of being psychic. They went around the world helping people from the terrible futures that they saw. Sadly the four sisters were not strong enough to help everyone from the futures. All of them were tired of seeing the awful futures that they could not change and they went crazy. But legend has it that along a lost bloodline four new sisters will save the world.

It had been a while since the accident, but then something terrible happened.
Mom you cant do this to me”! “Honey you are gonna be just fine”, I was really mad and stormed up to my room. We were going to move and she didn’t even ask me. “Everything is going to be fine I promise”, She said she knocked on my door. She had already started packing and she never even said a single word to me. All she said was that dad had gotten a new job and I had to go to a new school.

My first day of school didn’t go exactly how I planned it. First of all I didn’t make any friends. Second, everyone thinks I’m weird and now I’m kinda sad. Third, well you get the picture; I am unwanted at my school! When I got home as usual my mom was waiting for me with a big plate of my favorite chocolate chip cookies.” How was your day”, she asked immediately but softly. It took a lot of me to stay mad at her; curse those delicious cookies!” It was ok”, I said in a sad way as I sat at the table.” Well what happened”? “I haven’t made a single friend! I wish dad had never gotten that stupid job”, I ran up to my room.
The next day dad came home and I was exited because I haven’t been able to talk to him in a long time. “Dad”! I ran up to him in a big hug. “Hey”, he said. “I missed you so much”! “I missed you too”, he said as he sat down. “How was your first day at your new school”? “Oh it was ok”, he could probably see right through my lie but he let it go and moved on to talk to my mom. I went up to my room because I had a lot of homework, once I got all the way to the top of then stairs and opened my door it felt like I was getting hit in the head with a brick! I immediately clutched my head in hope that it would stop but like it had happened before an image flashed before my eyes. I saw a picture of a girl that went to my school, Emily, about to get hit by a school bus! When the pain slowly faded I realized I was on the floor. “Annabelle are you alright”, I hear my mom call. “I’m fine I just dropped something”! My mid started racing, What if this thing I can do can help people? I could be some kind of superhero!

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