Adventures of August? Nope, It’s Adventures of Brigitte Now! | Teen Ink

Adventures of August? Nope, It’s Adventures of Brigitte Now!

May 13, 2022
By Anonymous

“Good Night Mom!” Brigitte yelled from her bedroom.

             “Sleep tight sweetie!” Brigitte’s mom replied.

             “Don’t let the bedbugs bite!” They both giggled.

            Brigitte shut her door and jumped into her soft queen-size bed, she felt all the tension from throughout the day leave her body. “Oh, I missed you so much! Goodnight world.” Her eyes fluttered shut and she drifted off to sleep.


        “What the hell!” Brigitte jolted up from her not so peaceful slumber; she felt something poking at her side, so she used a hand to feel around. Looking down, she noticed: straws, wool, and feathers sticking out of the gray mattress she sat on. This is not my bed, Brigitte thought to herself as she scanned the room with her hazel eyes wide with panic. The room was empty apart from a wooden chair next to the bed, long pieces of wood held up the ceilings and the walls were covered in wattle and daub. Brigitte slowly stepped onto the cold concrete ground, dropping the gray blanket that covered her. She took one more look around the room and pondered. “Did I go back in time or something?” 

        Brigette sighed and ran a hand through her dark shoulder-length curly hair. “Of course not, this is probably just a dream.” She walked towards the beaten-up wooden door which looked like it was about to fall apart and gently pulled it open. 

Using her hand, she shielded her eyes from the blinding sun. As she was stepping out of the room, a pale, blue-eyed woman dressed in a  long gown with a sleeveless tunic and a wimple covering her hair came running towards her.

“Miss! You mustn’t step outside looking like that!” She grabbed Brigitte’s hand and pulled her back into the room shutting the door behind her. “Oh, my goddess! You are a lady! Do you have any idea what people would say if they saw you?? Where did you even get such outfits!”

It seemed a bit too real to be a dream, Brigitte thought before she pinched herself. “Ouch!” 

The blue-eyed woman turned to look at her and frowned. “You are quite interesting, sit please. I’ll get you something to change into.” 

Brigitte slumped down onto the wooden chair and thought, so I really did go back in time.  Moments later the woman came back holding some clothes in her arm. She hands them to Brigitte and says, “Change into these, I’ll be waiting outside.” 

However, before she could step outside, Brigitte called out to her asking, “What’s wrong with my outfit?” 

The woman’s eyes widened as she replied, “Have you seen yourself!” She scoffed and walked out. 

Brigitte rolled her eyes and looked down at her tank top and shorts, she’s just jealous ‘cause I’m so hot. She then sighed and struggled to put on the white long sleeve gown and a purple sleeveless tunic, before stepping out in the scorching sun. It was  crazy. How did I go back in time? she panicked. 

“Hello! I’m done so could you tell me where I am please?” Brigitte asked the woman, as she tried to control her breathing. 

The woman turned to look at her and replied, “You are in our village, My brother, William saw you fainted on the ground on his way back from the market, so he decided to bring you here.”

Brigitte slowly nodded with a confused look. “Okk… I’m Brigitte by the way! What’s your name?”

“My Name is Matilda. Pleased to meet you.”

“Same here!” Brigitte exclaimed with a nervous smile before adding. “Oh, what coun-” 

Before she could finish her sentence, a panicked tan brown-eyed woman came running toward them. “Matilda! We must head to the town square! The Count is coming with the dragon and the Pope!”

Matilda’s eyes widened in panic. “Oh, goddess! I believe they were supposed to arrive tomorrow!”

“I thought so too! I suppose the Pope arrived earlier than expected! We must hurry and prepare everything!” The tan woman replied before running off.

“Matilda? What’s going on?” Brigitte asked. Her eyes widened with anticipation and worry.

Matilda grabbed her wooden basket and replied, “Follow me, I shall explain as we walk”

Brigitte nodded and they began to walk to the town square. “So, dragon?!” 

“Yes, dragon, every noble has one. Why are you surprised?”

So I didn’t go back in time? I don’t remember learning about dragons in history class, how did I end up here “Oh really? There are no dragons or nobles where I come from, they only exist in stories.”

“That must be nice.” Matilda frowned. “Where do you come from?”

“Oh I’m from the US, and what do you call this country you live in?”

“The US? I have never heard of such a place. This is the Kingdom of Vruliwen, led by his Majesty Arthur and Queen Isabella.” Matilda rolled her eyes and continued bitterly. “Count Merryford rules over this village.”

Brigitte furrowed her eyebrows. Merryford? Vruliwen, those sound really familiar. “I’m guessing you don’t like the count?”

“You are correct, I often go to the temple and pray to the goddess that he would simply just pass away.” Matilda scowled.

Damn! Why don’t you like him?” Brigitte dramatically placed a hand over her heart as if she had been stabbed. “And why is he coming to town with the pope?”

“The kingdom has been in an uproar for the past few decades, the king and queen have been unable to provide an heir, we’ve been in war with neighboring kingdom and plaques have wiped out thousands of people. To add to the problem, the Count has been horrendous to us, the villagers,” Matilda replied solemnly, “My older brother went off to war and never returned, my father passed from the plague, it been just William and I with our mother.”

“I’m so sorry… that sucks” 

“Every month, the Pope comes to the village to bless the town, it helps with keeping the plaque away, however blessing can only last for so long,” Matilda added. “Luckily, there has been a prophecy… the goddess has promised to send the child, a child who will save us all.”

What was a child gonna do? “Doesn’t that seem a bit far-fetched? Do you really believe that?”

“It may seem unbelievable, however, it is our only hope. The goddess has been so good to us, the diamond fountain lies here in our village so it must mean something.” 

Diamond fountain, huh? Interesting

They walk a bit farther before reaching the bustling town square. Children ran around chasing each other with sticks while the adults set up different stands for the Count and Pope. In the middle of the town rested a beautiful huge temple built with stones. Brigitte looked up at it with wide eyes. “This is gorgeous! Architecture like this could only be found in Europe.”

“Europe? What’s Europe? You say the weirdest things.” Matilda gave a small smile. “This is our village’s Temple, Our pride and Joy, led by James, our beloved Priest.”

Brigitte nodded as they walked a bit more before reaching a stand with all sorts of fruits, fruits she had never seen before. Behind the stand was a Red-haired man with blue eyes that shined like diamonds and a huge smile. Brigitte looked back and forth between the man and Matilda. They looked the exact same, yet so different.

Matilda frowned as she reached over the stand and grabbed the man's ears, pulling them. “William! You fool! Where have you been?! Mama and I were so worried! You just disappeared!”

“Calm down! I told mama I was going to pray to the goddess for a beautiful noble wife!” William laughed, wiggling his eyebrows. “I hear the Count’s daughter is an absolute beauty. People say, ‘She’s been blessed by the goddess!’”

Matilda scrunched her nose up in disgust. “Mama did not inform me of this! Also, You disgust me!”

“Old age must be getting to Mama.” William shrugged before looking at Brigitte with a grin. “You are the lass I saved! How are you doing? I hope my twin sister isn’t driving you mad with her boringness”

“I am not boring, you pig!” Matilda exclaimed.

Brigitte watched the scene with a smile. They are so cute! “I'm doing great! Matilda has been wonderful! I am Brigitte by the way!”

William reached forward to grab Brigitte’s hand and kissed it. “I’m William but I'm sure you already knew that. Delighted to make your acquaintance, My lady.”

A light pink blush settled on Brigitte’s face and she quickly pulled her hand away then turned her attention to the fruits on the stand. “Oh, what is this? May I try one?” She asked, pointing at a hot pink fruit.

Matilda reached forward to grab it and handed it to Brigitte. “This is an elppa, go ahead and try it.”

Brigitte’s face lit up in delight as she bit into the sweet yet sour juicy hot pink fruit. The inside of the fruit was a lighter pink and seedless. This is all too familiar, this fruit tastes like an apple but better. Count Merryford?  Kingdom of Vruliwen, Twins with opposite personalities? Where have I seen this before? Her thought process was interrupted by the sound of people screaming, “The Count is here! The Pope is here!”

Matilda and William’s eyes widened in panic, they quickly shoved all sorts of fruits into a basket and followed the crowd, pulling Brigitte behind them.

“Woah!” Brigitte stared in awe at the gold-plated carriage being pulled by two stunning white horses with silver manes. Behind the carriage were about twenty knights dressed in silver and gold suited armor followed by a massive red dragon. Its scales seemed to be made out of rubies. That’s a cute dragon! 

The carriage door opened slowly and two knights rushed forward to carry a short bald man. The villagers quickly bowed their heads and simultaneously they said, “Greetings, Count Merryford.” 

Brigitte looked at the count and burst out laughing. “Y’all are bowing to him!? He looks like a monkey! OMG! Actually, that’s an insult to monkeys.” Tears began to stream down her face as she clutched her stomach laughing maniacally. Omg, he looked like someone I knew! 

Count Merryford was ugly, that was a fact everyone knew, but no one would dare say it in front of him. The villagers stared at Brigitte with wide eyes, Matilda looked terrified. “Pull yourself together! You are going to get yourself killed!” She whispered. Brigitte cleared her throat and attempted to remain calm, however, it was too late. The count’s face was red with anger.

“Guards! Arrest her!” He ordered.

Brigitte’s life flashed before her eyes for a second before she busted out laughing again. She couldn’t take him seriously, he looked like a child playing around with their mother’s makeup and jewelry. 

I need my inhaler, I should stop laughing. She wheezed as the guards charged toward her. Suddenly a deep voice rang through the air. “STOP!” Everyone except Brigitte stopped and fell to their knees, even the dragon whimpered in fear. Brigitte stood her ground as fear cursed through her, she was no longer laughing, her hazel eyes were now filled with fear. She turned to see a beautiful man dressed in a long white cloak, his eyes white as snow and his long blue hair bluer than the clear blue sky. He seemed to be floating as he approached the crowd, they quivered in fear and said, “All hail his holiness, the Pope!” What kind of pope was this! He didn’t look human! However, he looked somewhat familiar. Brigitte thought to herself. 

“You!” The Pope points towards Brigitte. “I sense incredible powers within you! But how is this possible?! Peasants do not possess magic!”

“M-me?” Brigitte looks around playfully. “That's so silly! I don’t have magic. Also, do I know you from somewhere? Is this all just cosplay? Everyone looks so cool!”

The pope looked at her and replied, “You shall return with me to the holy temple once I am done blessing this town”

Brigitte looked down at Matilda and William for assurance, they offered small smiles.

“Pope… Can you heal my mother? She is very ill.” A silver-haired young child who looked to be about ten years old from the crowd blurted out. 

The Pope smiled at the child as he caressed the child's hair. “I shall heal your mother, don't worry”

Brigitte stared at her surroundings, the people of the village slowly rose to their feet and approached the Pope while the Count glared at her. It was all starting to make sense. An ugly greedy Count, weird fruits, a caring insanely beautiful Pope, Twins with opposite personalities, Kingdom of Vruliwen, silver-hair child, dragon with ruby scales. They weren’t cosplaying… 

“I’m stuck in my own book.” Brigitte realized. “WHAT THE HELL!” 

Brigitte paced around the village watching the festivities, I’m really stuck in my book. She watched as the villagers danced and ate around the Pope. The Pope was surrounded by little kids and fruits, he beamed at the festivities. The silver-haired child clung to his mother who Brigitte had watched get healed by the Pope, the mother was unable to walk before, however, she was dancing now. Brigitte looked closer at the child and noticed his golden eyes. “OMG! That’s August!”

It was all coming back to her, Brigitte thought back to two years ago when she wrote the book, Adventures Of August. August was the protagonist, he was the powerful child the Pope had noticed but now Brigitte was the person who had been noticed. 

What happened to august? She looked worriedly at August. Why did I take his place? What did I do?

 Brigitte’s train of thought was interrupted when William came running towards her with a huge grin. “A beautiful lady like yourself mustn’t be alone! Come with me! Let us dance.”

“Ok!” Brigitte giggled. 

William held his hand out, palm up and Brigitte placed her hands In his. He pulled her into him and spun her around. They held each other and danced.

As they danced all of Brigitte’s worries disappeared momentarily, all she could think about was William's arms wrapped around her. She had never felt this way in all of her nineteen years of life.

William stared at Brigitte with a warm smile. “You are quite the beauty” 

“Huh?” Brigitte tilted her head to the side.

“You are very beautiful, I could stare at you all day” 

“Oh… Thank you.” Brigitte looked away blushing. Did I make William this flirty?

They danced for a bit more before William went off to find Matilda. Brigitte scanned her surroundings before walking away thinking to herself, Might as well see what I created since I’m here. 

She backed away from the colorful festivities, eyeing her creation. I did a pretty good job creating this place. She turned the corner and spotted a stunning fountain, sparkling water spouted from its diamond-shaped silvertip flowing into the round basin. As she stepped closer, the fountain seemed to sparkle, it seemed to be calling out to her. Entranced by its beauty, Brigitte reached forward to touch it, however, a strong force pulled her back. Brigitte stumbled back and looked around to see the Pope, he seemed to stare into her soul. He looked at the fountain which was now glowing

“The fountain, it glows!” The Pope exclaimed with a shocked look. 

Brigitte's eyes widened as she stared at the glowing fountain. It was the diamond fountain but why was it glowing? August wasn’t there!.

The Pope grabbed Brigitte’s hand but immediately recoiled as if he had been shocked. “What is this? I sensed incredible powers from you before however this… this is different. You must be the prophesied savior that the goddess promised to send!”

“Woah! Slow down tiger I am not the prophesied savior, do I look like Jesus to you?” Brigitte backed up nervously. 

“Who is this Jesus you speak of? Regardless, I believe that you are the prophesied savior.” The Pope waved his hands around forming a complicated shape and suddenly a scroll popped up, he opened it and handed it over to Brigitte. “Read it.”

Brigitte slowly read over the scroll.

Fear not, for I shall send a child to save my people from their misery. 

The diamond fountain shall glow brightly in the child's presence.

Oh yeah, I wrote this stupid prophecy out of boredom. “Look Mr. Pope guy, I know what this looks like, but I am not the prophesied savior.” Brigitte tossed the scroll back to him.

The Pope glared at her as he caught the scroll. “You insolent child! You are the prophesied savior! The fountain glows in your presence as the prophecy said it would-”

“Look! I'm not even a child! I just turned 19 a couple of days ago so how could I possibly be the savior, I know who it is but it isn't me!” Brigitte Interrupted.

“Alright, tell me who the savior is!” The Pope scoffed.

Brigitte rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “Fine, I will! Come with me!”

Just as Brigitte began to lead the Pope back to the festivities, the silver-haired child showed up. “Your holiness, Mother asked that I inform you that there has been some food prepared for you.”

Brigitte and the Pope exchanged looks as they watched the fountain glow even brighter. Brigitte smirked and said, “I told you it wasn’t me! It's him!” 

The pope walked closer to the confused-looking kid and grabbed his hands, then he turned to look back at Brigitte. “It’s not him, I sense some magic but it’s nowhere as much as you, you are the savior! However this– this child is different.”

Brigitte tossed her hand up in the air in exasperation, she looked at the kid and said, “August, you are the savior ok? I want no part in this, I just want to find a way home, please!” 

“Ok… wait, how did you know my name?!” The kid exclaimed

Oh shit. “I just guessed ok? You look like an august.” Brigitte frowned at the Pope, “I don't want to be the savior, that’s too much work! I just got here!”

“The goddess chose you! You must protect us!” The Pope yelled.

“Well, I choose August!” Brigitte pointed at the kid.

“You can not do that!” The Pope replied furiously.

Technically I could, I was technically the goddess since I created this world but you didn’t need to know that. “I’m leaving! Bye-bye!” Brigitte waved at the Pope and August as she ran away ignoring the calls of the pope asking her to come back.

After a bit of running, she turned the corner and ran into two guards. Brigitte frowned at the sight of the guards, she had written them as brutal men and now she stood in front of her creations. The guards glared at her and began to walk away before a voice yelled. “Grab her!” 

Brigitte turned to see the Count’s menacing eyes on her. Each guard grabbed unto her each of her arms pulling her towards the count’s carriage. 

“Let me go!” Brigitte wailed, trying to wiggle out of the guard's arms.

The Count turned towards her with his terrifying eyes staring deep into her soul. Brigitte stopped moving, thinking to herself. I should’ve stayed still.

Brigitte was placed in the gold-plated carriage facing the Count. His face twisted in anger as he gripped the seat so tightly that his knuckles began to turn white. Brigitte looked down at the carriage ground, her heart beating out of her chest as she tried to remain calm. What kind of sh*t did I get myself into. 

The count raised his hand and Brigitte flinched waiting for the impact but it never came. She watched as he created a small red ball of magic, he looked at her with a scary smile and said, “I could turn you into dust at this moment if I please.” 

“Haha.” Brigitte laughed nervously. “Please don’t do that.”

“How dare you disrespect me?! The Pope spoke of you being the savior, is this true?!” Count yelled.

“Unfortunately, It is true Mr. count”

“How could that be?! You are just a rotten peasant! I must be the savior!”

“Look, I don't make the rules.” Technically I did. “Go pray to your goddess, I'm sure she’ll change her mind and make you savior” She won’t

“Because of you!” The count pointed his chubby finger at Brigitte. “I shall not receive any reward money nor fame! I deserve to be the savior, not you rotten peasant!”

“Don’t you know it’s rude to point?” Brigitte wagged her fingers at him. “Did you not learn anything from those etiquette classes of yours?”

Brigitte swore under her breath as she noticed steam coming from the Count's ears. He lunged forward and wrapped his hands around her neck, squeezing tightly. Brigitte’s eyes widened in shock, she gripped his hands trying to pry them away from her neck. The Count’s eye widened like a mad man’s, he squeezed tighter, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. 

Wasn’t this the time the magic awakened?!! Brigitte thought to herself. I can’t believe I made poor August go through this! What was I thinking! How the hell did he beat this count! 

The Count lifted Brigitte up by her neck, she grabbed onto his wrist hanging on for dear life. Suddenly she was reminded of all the self-defense classes her parents made her take. Remain calm. Protect the airway. Brigitte stopped struggling and went limp, the Count smirked and loosened his grip thinking he won. Idiot. Brigitte thought before using the opportunity to slip out of his grip and punch him in the face. 

Crack! “AHH!” The count stumbled back holding onto his broken nose. “You witch!” 

Brigitte grinned as she tried to step out of the carriage however the count grabbed her arm. Brigitte struggled to release herself from his grip, she attempted to throw another punch but he caught her fist midway and twisted her wrist. She lifted her leg and kicked him in the abdomen forcing him to fall backward tumbling out of the carriage. His eyes widened in shock, he mumbled some incoherent words and a wide white cushion appeared underneath him, softening his fall.

Oh sh*t, he used magic. Brigitte looked around the carriage frantically for a way to escape. Suddenly she felt weightless, she looked down at her feet and noticed they were no longer on the carriage floor. 

“Why am I floating!” Brigitte panicked. 

The count looked up at her and laughed. He moved his fingers up and Brigitte hit her head on the carriage’s ceiling, she cringed in pain clutching her head. The Count did a come here motion with his fingers and Brigitte floated out of the carriage. He moved his hands in circles causing Brigitte to also move in circles causing her to get dizzy.

“Let me down!” Brigitte yelled.

“This is what you shall get for messing with me! Make me the savior!” Count exclaimed.

“Never!” Brigitte replied.

“Then I shall kill you!” The count snared.

Brigitte felt her throat tighten, she looked down at her hands and noticed they were wrapped around her neck. What the hell?! Brigitte attempted to move her hand but was unsuccessful, she wiggled around trying to release herself from her own grip. She glared at the Count who was smirking at her. Did August have to deal with that mad count?! How did he get out of it! Why did I make August, a ten-year-old fight that Count?! What was I thinking?! She thought to herself, trying to recall what she had written in Legend Of August. Suddenly she remembered It was the moment August’s magic awakened. She thought long and hard about how August’s magic awakened, then it hit her. 

Brigitte felt an intense surge of euphoria rippling through her body. She shook as her magic awoke, using the power invested in her, she pulled her hands away from her neck.

“WHAT! What are you doing! You mad girl!” The Count yelled. He moved his hands frantically trying to regain control of Brigitte’s hands.

Brigitte mumbled incoherent words and charged toward the Count, she punched him in the face as he attempted to protect himself. The Count crashed to the ground causing him to lose all control over Brigitte, she slowly fell to the ground landing in an heroric pose.

“HA! In your face! I’m so powerful!” Brigitte exclaimed

The Count snared at her as he held onto his face. “My beautiful face!? How dare you ruin my beautiful face?!”

“Beautiful? Where?” Brigitte looked around mockingly. “I know a really good skincare brand, I could try and get some for you”

“Guards get her!”

Brigitte stood proudly as the Guards came charging towards her, they drew their sword ready to attack. A blinding light surrounded Brigitte as she lifted her hands to the sky, she recalled the shield spell she had written for August. “Dear Goddess up above, I call unto you. Shield me with your mighty powers, protect me from any harm.” 

A ray of light came crashing down on Brigitte, taking the guards and Count by surprise. Brigitte looked around to see a clear crystal orb surrounding her. OMG, the spell worked! She smirked at the sight of Guards bouncing off the shield as they attempted to attack her. They began using their sword to hit the shield, trying to crack it while Brigitte settled down on the ground with her legs crossed. She smiled watching them struggle then suddenly she felt as if something had slammed into her. The count was mustering all the strength he had and running into the shield, he continuously slammed his body against the shield. “Get out and fight!” 

“No Thanks, I prefer to remain cozy in here” Brigitte replied

The Count pointed a finger at a huge boulder, using his magic he lifted it and tossed it towards the shield. Brigitte’s eyes widened in shock as she watched the boulder bounce off the shield and hit the Count in the face. Ohh that looked painful.

“AHHH!” The Count hollered in pain. 

The guards ran towards him and tried to pull the boulder off him. Brigitte looked away when she noticed red liquid spilling out from underneath the rock. She rushed to her feet, he wasn’t supposed to be dead! That was not how my Book went. She ran to him with her eyebrows furrowed with worry, she grabbed the boulder and tossed it to the side. 

The Count's body laid sprawled out on the ground, blood gushed out from his head. His arms stuck out in weird positions, and a bone stuck out of his knee. Brigitte and the guards stood there watching the sight in horror. 

She reached over to feel his pulse. “He’s alive, but his pulse is very faint, if he loses any more blood, he will die.”

The guards let out a sigh of relief, a blond, blue-eyed guard stepped forward and said, “Could you heal him? You must save the count”

Brigitte frowned. I should have let him die. “I’ll try my best but don't try anything if you don't want to end up like him. I still have my shield.” 

The guards nodded and backed away. Brigitte ripped her gown and tied the fabric tightly around The Count’s head to stop the bleeding. Then she lifted her hand over the Count's body. Dear Goddess. “Bless me with your mighty power, allow me to heal this man.” 

A glittering light rushed out of Brigitte’s palm, taking even her by surprise. The light surrounded the Count's body, Brigitte and the Guards watched in awe as the Count's fractured body began to return to normal. Don’t heal him too much, he deserved the pain. She scowled, stopping her magic then she reached forward to feel his pulse. “His pulse is returning to normal, the rest is up to y’all. I’m done here!” 

Brigitte rose to her feet and began to walk off, then turned back when she heard a guard yell, “Thank you, My lady! We owe you our life! But why did you save him?”

“Because I’m a nice person, duh!” Brigitte replied jokingly. “Just kidding! I’d preferred he perished, however, he plays an important role in this book! He can’t die yet! He becomes the protagonist's little helper!”

The guard looked at her confused but slowly nodded. Brigitte took off running as she thought to herself. What an interesting world, there was trouble in every corner. She ran a bit more before collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, I was not built for running, also I could probably remove my shield now. She watched as the crystal orb around her disappeared into thin air then she stood up and screamed, “I wanna go home!”

“Where is your home child?” The Pope appeared. “Perhaps I can help you, however, you must give me something in return. I can't help but notice, that the bottom of your dress is missing, it is indecent for a young lady like yourself to show your legs.”

Brigitte spun around to see the Pope floating with his legs crossed. She ignored his last comment and narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms. “What do you want in return?”

The Pope smirked. “Be our savior.”

“NO! Absolutely not! That's August’s Job.”  Poor August, but I wasn’t doing it.

“Alright then, I shall not help you get home.”

Brigittes eyes widened. “No no! Fine, I’ll do it!”

“Wonderful! We must get to work!” The Pope smiled.

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