Summer Dreams | Teen Ink

Summer Dreams

April 20, 2024
By Laurawrites, Trumbull, Connecticut
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Laurawrites, Trumbull, Connecticut
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The salty ocean air whipped Emma’s hair out of her face as she walked down the sandy road. The most noticeable thing about Emma this day was the excitement that lit her face up, and brought out her ocean blue eyes in the sunlight. She grabbed a hairband and pulled her silky blonde hair out of her face, as she continued to walk down the winding road, the excitement building up inside her. The look on her face as she reached her destination echoed on the face of a similarly aged girl as she ran up to Emma and wrapped her tan arms around her friend’s neck. Instead of talking, like they normally would, the two girls stood in awe of the beautiful beach they stood on, gazing at the beautiful sunset reflected on the clear ocean waves.

“Hey Charlotte!” Emma gave her friend another hug. “Isn’t the sunset beautiful?!”

“I know, right?” Charlotte responded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “But do you know what’s even more beautiful?” She pointed at a figure walking along the beach in the distance. “Him…” She sighed dreamily. “Don’t you agree, Em?”

Emma shrugged. “Jeremiah’s okay, I guess. But don’t worry, I know he’s yours.” 

But… I wish he was mine, Emma thought. He’s so cute, and sweet, and kind, and I’ve had a crush on him since forever! Why does Charlotte just think she gets him automatically?!

Charlotte smiled at her best friend, but looked a little disappointed. “Only in my dreams, though. He’ll never notice me.”

I hope not. Emma thought, even though she knew she should want her bestie with him. Still, the opposite response popped out of her mouth. “Of course he will! Why wouldn’t he; you’re the best!”

Charlotte smiled and linked her arm through Emma’s, as they stepped into the clear ocean, the cold water tingling their toes. Out of the corner of her eye, Charlotte spotted Jeremiah walking towards them with a few of his friends. He was carrying a sign and flowers, but she couldn’t quite make out what the sign said. Excitement tingled through Charlotte's veins, because she knew what was coming. 

Emma glanced at Charlotte’s flushed face as Jeremiah came closer and closer, knowing what was coming. A pang of disappointment shot through her as Jeremiah hid the sign and flowers behind his back, nervously glancing back at his friends. Charlotte walked to meet him, so Emma followed her. To their surprise, instead of stopping at Charlotte, he walked past her to Emma. Her heart beat quicker and quicker, as she realized what she dreamed of was finally coming true. He pulled the sign and flowers from behind his back, and said nervously, “Emma, will you go to homecoming with me?”

Both Emma and Charlotte were speechless, as they processed what was happening. 

Ahhhh, he’s asking me to homecoming! I can’t believe this is happening! Emma cried inside her head, but the outside of her was calm and collected.

This is a joke, right? Charlotte thought desperately. Why’s he asking her; she doesn’t even like him! He was supposed to ask me! 

“Uh…I’d love to go with you.” Emma said quietly, but with a shining smile lighting up her face. She avoided Charlotte’s surprised and hurt gaze as she gave him a hug, receiving the colorful flowers he handed her. 

“Great, I can’t wait!” Jeremiah replied, relieved. “We’ll text, okay?”

“Yeah,” Emma said, as if in a daze. Jeremiah smiled at her, and then he and his friends turned around and walked the opposite way down the beach. 

Emma turned to face Charlotte, knowing her best friend would be angry at her. But to her surprise, Charlotte just looked hurt. 

Oh no. Emma groaned inwardly. Hurt is even worse than anger. I don’t know what to say!

Charlotte finally spoke, her voice quiet for once “Why’d you say yes? You know I like him.”

Emma fiddled with her thumbs, trying to figure out what to say. “I…um…well…”

“Well?!” Charlotte replied impatiently. “Why’d you say yes? You said you didn’t like Jere, and you told me he was mine!”

“But…well…I do like him.” Emma responded quietly. “I’ve had a crush on him since forever.”

Charlotte was in shock. “How could you betray me like that?” She asked, disbelieving. 

“You’re being way too dramatic,” Emma shot back. “You can’t claim a guy, especially if he doesn’t even like you!” As soon as the words flew out of her mouth, she wished she could shove them right back in. 

“I’m sorry,” Emma said to Charlotte, who was looking off into the distance with pained eyes. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

Charlotte finally looked back at Emma, glaring. “Yeah, you shouldn't have.” She angrily slid into her flip flops and ran down the beach, her hair flying out behind her. 

Emma stood, watching her figure disappear into the distance. A small tear slid down her face, as she realized she had just fought with Charlotte over a guy, something they had sworn they’d never do. At once she knew the ugly truth; she had just lost her best friend.

The salty ocean air whipped Emma’s hair out of her face as she walked down the sandy road. The most noticeable thing about Emma this day was the excitement that lit her face up, and brought out her ocean blue eyes in the sunlight. She grabbed a hairband and pulled her silky blonde hair out of her face, as she continued to walk down the winding road, the excitement building up inside her. The look on her face as she reached her destination echoed on the face of a similarly aged girl as she ran up to Emma and wrapped her tan arms around her friend’s neck. Instead of talking, like they normally would, the two girls stood in awe of the beautiful beach they stood on, gazing at the beautiful sunset reflected on the clear ocean waves.

“Hey Charlotte!” Emma gave her friend another hug. “Isn’t the sunset beautiful?!”

“I know, right?” Charlotte responded, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “But do you know what’s even more beautiful?” She pointed at a figure walking along the beach in the distance. “Him…” She sighed dreamily. “Don’t you agree, Em?”

Emma shrugged. “Jeremiah’s okay, I guess. But don’t worry, I know he’s yours.” 

But… I wish he was mine, Emma thought. He’s so cute, and sweet, and kind, and I’ve had a crush on him since forever! Why does Charlotte just think she gets him automatically?!

Charlotte smiled at her best friend, but looked a little disappointed. “Only in my dreams, though. He’ll never notice me.”

I hope not. Emma thought, even though she knew she should want her bestie with him. Still, the opposite response popped out of her mouth. “Of course he will! Why wouldn’t he; you’re the best!”

Charlotte smiled and linked her arm through Emma’s, as they stepped into the clear ocean, the cold water tingling their toes. Out of the corner of her eye, Charlotte spotted Jeremiah walking towards them with a few of his friends. He was carrying a sign and flowers, but she couldn’t quite make out what the sign said. Excitement tingled through Charlotte's veins, because she knew what was coming. 

Emma glanced at Charlotte’s flushed face as Jeremiah came closer and closer, knowing what was coming. A pang of disappointment shot through her as Jeremiah hid the sign and flowers behind his back, nervously glancing back at his friends. Charlotte walked to meet him, so Emma followed her. To their surprise, instead of stopping at Charlotte, he walked past her to Emma. Her heart beat quicker and quicker, as she realized what she dreamed of was finally coming true. He pulled the sign and flowers from behind his back, and said nervously, “Emma, will you go to homecoming with me?”

Both Emma and Charlotte were speechless, as they processed what was happening. 

Ahhhh, he’s asking me to homecoming! I can’t believe this is happening! Emma cried inside her head, but the outside of her was calm and collected.

This is a joke, right? Charlotte thought desperately. Why’s he asking her; she doesn’t even like him! He was supposed to ask me! 

“Uh…I’d love to go with you.” Emma said quietly, but with a shining smile lighting up her face. She avoided Charlotte’s surprised and hurt gaze as she gave him a hug, receiving the colorful flowers he handed her. 

“Great, I can’t wait!” Jeremiah replied, relieved. “We’ll text, okay?”

“Yeah,” Emma said, as if in a daze. Jeremiah smiled at her, and then he and his friends turned around and walked the opposite way down the beach. 

Emma turned to face Charlotte, knowing her best friend would be angry at her. But to her surprise, Charlotte just looked hurt. 

Oh no. Emma groaned inwardly. Hurt is even worse than anger. I don’t know what to say!

Charlotte finally spoke, her voice quiet for once “Why’d you say yes? You know I like him.”

Emma fiddled with her thumbs, trying to figure out what to say. “I…um…well…”

“Well?!” Charlotte replied impatiently. “Why’d you say yes? You said you didn’t like Jere, and you told me he was mine!”

“But…well…I do like him.” Emma responded quietly. “I’ve had a crush on him since forever.”

Charlotte was in shock. “How could you betray me like that?” She asked, disbelieving. 

“You’re being way too dramatic,” Emma shot back. “You can’t claim a guy, especially if he doesn’t even like you!” As soon as the words flew out of her mouth, she wished she could shove them right back in. 

“I’m sorry,” Emma said to Charlotte, who was looking off into the distance with pained eyes. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

Charlotte finally looked back at Emma, glaring. “Yeah, you shouldn't have.” She angrily slid into her flip flops and ran down the beach, her hair flying out behind her. 

Emma stood, watching her figure disappear into the distance. A small tear slid down her face, as she realized she had just fought with Charlotte over a guy, something they had sworn they’d never do. At once she knew the ugly truth; she had just lost her best friend.

The next day at school, both girls avoided each other. This was hard, though, because they were in almost all their classes together. In the past they had had small arguments, like normal friends, but nothing to this extent. 

Emma looked over her shoulder and caught sight of Jeremiah walking up to her. She looked around to make sure Charlotte wasn’t there.

“Hey Em,” Jeremiah greeted her. “I’m excited for the dance on Saturday, are you?”

Emma looked uncomfortable but forced a smile on her face. “Yeah, I am!” She said halfheartedly. 

Jeremiah noticed this, thinking back to the tension he had noticed between her and Charlotte that day.

“Hey, um,” He started. “Is everything alright between you and Char?”

Emma looked down at her feet, uncomfortable. “Yeah, sure,” she faltered. After a moment’s pause, she went on. “We’re just in a fight right now. No big deal.”

“Yeah. Of course. Just wanted to make sure.” He replied, but he was still unsure.

Emma nodded and gave him a smile. “Really, Jere,” She replied convincingly. “I am excited, trust me.”

Jeremiah’s face instantly brightened. “Great, well, see you then!”

Emma waved as he walked down the hallway. “Bye!” She turned around and came face to face with Charlotte.

They both looked away awkwardly, and they didn’t know what to say.

“Um,” Emma said quietly. “Are you…are you going to the dance?” Her voice was almost a whisper, as she knew this was a sensitive topic and she didn’t know how Charlotte would respond.

“No,” Charlotte said coldly. “I was supposed to go with my crush, but someone stole him from me.” She looked pointedly at Emma.

Emma winced guiltily and turned away. I can’t do this anymore, she thought. Why is she being so mean to me? She’s acting like she owns him.

Emma peeked over her shoulder as she pretended to look in her backpack, and noticed that Charlotte had disappeared.

Emma woke up on Saturday morning, nervous but excited. She kept trying to tell herself the positives; that she was going with the boy she’d had a crush on since forever! But the thought of losing her best friend kept invading her thoughts, and as hard as she tried to forget about it, she couldn’t. Emma got out of her bed and slid into her slippers. She smiled when she saw her blush pink dress. But even the beautiful dress reminded her of Charlotte, because she had the same one in blue. Even if one of them had a date, they were planning to go to the dance in matching dresses.

Now I guess it’s just me, she thought. And Jeremiah.

She sighed aloud. Why do I still wish Char was coming to the dance? She was so mean to me!


By the time of the dance, Emma was wearing her short pink dress, which had beautiful sparkles reflecting on the wall because of the lights. She had matching pink shoes, and gold necklaces and earrings that complemented her silvery blue eyes. 

Jeremiah came to the door to pick her up, and they rode excitedly to the dance. But even with all the excitement, the nagging thought of her and Charlotte’s fight snuck into her thoughts. 

They soon arrived at the dance, and looked around to see their school gym covered with string lights, decorations, and food. People were milling about, chatting as they waited for more people to arrive. Jeremiah offered to get her some punch, and she gratefully accepted the offer. Her throat was dry, and she was very nervous. 

This was her first dance, her freshman dance, and she and Charlotte had been planning their outfits for months in advance. The music’s volume increased, and Jeremiah led her onto the dance floor. They danced to a few songs, and then Emma excused herself to the bathroom. She walked through the empty, dark hallways to the girls bathroom, and sighed as she stepped in. There was someone in the stall, so she waited for her turn. After a minute, the stall door clicked open, and Emma turned around and was shocked when she saw Charlotte facing her.

“Emma?” Charlotte said quietly, and looked down at the floor.

“I thought you weren’t going to the dance,” Emma said, noticing the matching blue dress she was wearing.

“Well,” Charlotte replied awkwardly, “I decided I wanted to come.”

“Charlotte” “Emma”, Both girls said at the same time. They laughed awkwardly. 

“You go first,” Emma told her.

“Well, I, um,” Charlotte faltered. She paused, and then blurted out. “I’m so sorry Emma. I have no right to claim Jere, and even though I didn’t act like it, I really am happy for you. I was such an awful friend, can you ever forgive me?

She looked pleadingly at Emma, as she desperately waited for an answer. After a moment’s pause, Emma looked up at Charlotte.

“Even though you weren’t a very good friend,” Emma told her, “I forgive you. And I’m sorry for not telling you sooner that I liked Jere too.”

Charlotte’s whole body relaxed, and both girls let out a large sigh of relief, which brought about laughter. They hadn’t laughed or talked in a week, which was the longest they had ever gone without talking. 

Emma smiled. “Friends again?”

“Of course!” Charlotte replied, giving her a hug. Then she paused. “Oh wait, what about Jeremiah?”

“Well,” Emma stopped, thinking. “I’ll just tell him I don’t want to go with him anymore.” She shrugged.

“No way!” Charlotte said. “You still have to go with him!. You’re both obviously into each other!”

Emma looked worried, trying to see if Charlotte was upset at all. “But our friendship is more important than a boy, even if he is cute.”

“Yeah, it is,” Charlotte agreed. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t go to a dance with a guy, if we’re still friends!”

Emma still looked hesitant. “I guess. But you have to come dance with us.”

“Fine…” Charlotte groaned, but laughed. “Let’s go!”

“Wait!” Emma grabbed her best friend’s hand. “Whatever we do and whatever happens out there, we have to promise that we won’t let anything, especially a guy, come in between our friendship.”

Charlotte smiled. “Of course! Our friendship is more important than anything, especially a guy.”

The two girls smiled at each other, and grabbed hands as they went out to dance with their dream guy. But unlike other times, they weren’t going to let any guy, even Jeremiah, get in between them ever again.

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