Running | Teen Ink


December 18, 2018
By cockbreath, Foristell, Missouri
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cockbreath, Foristell, Missouri
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Author's note:

I like turtles

Zack was running fast, so fast the leafy green filled trees around him seemed like a blur. With police sirens wailing in the background he cursed at himself as he ran foot after foot a little bit closer to where he needed to be. The thin shirt he wore stuck to him due to the thick, humid Georgian air. This was the first time he had f'ed up this bad, he thought to himself as he ran, “ I can’t believe I let someone see me” he muttered as he ran. The whole time he ran he knew it was such a rookie mistake and that he would be ridiculed by the company leaders for messing up on such a high value target if they found out. He had to get to the car and assumed the cops would arrive to the scene behind him very soon. His hands were still sweating like they always did right before a important kill, remembering his training his collected himself and calmed down. He neared his car a blue Hyundai Sonata grabbed the door handle and got in pressing the push to start and skirting off.

“Eileen take me back home” he said to his car’s artificial intelligence system installed by the company. Utilizing all of the best military gps systems available at the moment the car switched into autodrive mode and showed on screen the fastest route to his destination. After this happened and Zack had time to relax he looked down at himself and noticed a crimson red coming from his stomach, he reached over to the glove box and grabbed his medical pack he had in there. Calmly 

applying rubbing alcohol on the small wound and a bandage over it, “just a scratch i’ll be fine” he thought to himself as the car drove him home. He remembered back to when he started this job, how he had left everything behind to fulfill contracts, his friends, family, his girlfriend. He remembered the guilt he had felt after his first kill how he’s tried to quit but the company just pulls him back everytime as they cannot trust him not to tell anyone what he’s done.

Zack was an orphan child who got adopted into a loving family in Los Angeles. Around 15 years old he got mixed in with the wrong group, selling drugs and guns. Doing anything to make money, he was sent to his adoptive grandfather's farm sssssssssshouse to try and steer him on a better path. Shortly after moving there Zack discovered a love for shooting, weapons, and combat and joined the Marines . After serving a tour in Iraq Zack was sent home when he arrived the company was at his doorstep and recruited him. He left everything behind and became an assassin.

He arrived to the company home in Athens Georgia the people staying there consisted of Allie, Cortez and him. These weren’t all the members of the company but they stayed in homes as a group of three. Allie told him she had a new assignment for him he was ready to see who it was but first needed to go clean up. He went to his room in the basement and cleaned up, noticing a picture of his younger brother on his dresser as he walked by. He walked upstairs and was greeted by allie in the office “ Oh hey there you are Zack how did your encounter with Mr. Edwards go?” she asked as he angrily sat down. “Not well but i’m ready for the next one we can talk about it later.” Zack was obviously pissed off and everyone knew not to mess with him while he was like 

this. “Your next target is an easy one in Crawford 15 miles west the girlfriend is out of town and no one else lives there, Lewis’s gang will take care of the girl another time they want it done by 12 tonight can you do it?” Allie said to him.  Zack looked down at his G-Shock reading 5:37 PM. He had taken a humans life less than three hours ago and didn’t feel anything he was so used to the pain of knowing he had killed that he didn’t feel anymore. “I can get it done by 9:30” he said as he walked away from allie.

Zack got his thing together in his small dimly lit room and walked back out to his car, throwing his blade, fly camera and other small gear essentials in the back seat. He started driving towards his targets house feeling nervous the whole way, pondering about who it could possibly be like he always does before an assassination. He arrived about a mile out from the  neighborhood and parked on the other side of some woods. He took his robotic fly camera out and flew it towards the targets house flying it through a crack in between the sliding door and the inside of the house. On his Ipad he viewed what the flies camera could see examining the inside of the house, he noted where closets were, potential weapons like the knives on the kitchen table, the turned on tv and the man sitting on the couch sleeping. The quality of the camera wasn’t that high in resolution but he could tell the man on the couch looked familiar.

He approached the house at 7:20 getting his things ready, a rag, a small vial of chloroform, and his knife. He walked around the house analyzing it’s construction and testing windows and doors to see which was open. He got around to the back screen door which was drawn aside, tested the sliding door it didn’t budge. He pulled a little heavier this time and to his surprise it opened with ease, he was in and he lurked quietly through the kitchen towards the living room. The house had a smell from his childhood that he couldn’t put a finger on. He approached the couch and the sleeping man and brought the rag over his face. As soon as he was finished he realised what he was about to have to do. The man was his brother, someone he hadn’t seen since he had left home. Zack was going to have to kill him.

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