The Hike | Teen Ink

The Hike

October 19, 2023
By 4greuel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
4greuel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The one thing I remember is the Color. The bright oranges, subtle reds, and tans surround my family and me. In a sea of hills, their colors are magnificent, especially at sunset, it’s as if the light reflects off of them. They’re truly a beauty only God himself can create. 

The ever-reaching hills are covered in eroded texture, each hill different from the last. Some connect while others have valleys between. 

This family adventure, consisting of my parents, my younger brother, and myself, was one of many that we’ve embarked on. That day, however, we took on the Badlands of South Dakota. We drove out and created our own self-guided tour of its beauty. 

Climbing with no equipment meant each of us had to be very aware of our surroundings. An easy task, right? You would think. That is of course only if you don’t bring the walking accident (also known as my younger brother). As we continued to climb, I heard, “Help!” 

I looked back.  My brother's leg was stuck between two hill formations. 

I just walked through there. How in the world did he manage that? But there’s not enough time to question his brain power or really lack thereof; my father and I set up for the pull. 

Calmly my father says, “Straighten your leg and put your arms up.” My father and I straddle the hole and pull him out on the count of, “1, 2, 3!” 

My brother is out and our adventure continues. 

We walk onward between the small holes in the hills shaped like hallways calling us to go through them, rounded and bubbly once filled with water and wind now filled with our bodies.

Coming full circle expressing that all the erosion was worth it because now the hills are seen and adored.

Adored not only for their Color but for the adventure they create; these hills bring my family together, all while they sing like a canary, as the sunset rays radiate the hills each night more magnificently than the last. 

The author's comments:

This piece was made in my creative writing class and is about a time I experienced a sense of wonder in Nature. 

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