A Trek to Beauty | Teen Ink

A Trek to Beauty

October 24, 2018
By willsways3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willsways3 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I get woken up early under my covers and still freezing on the brisk morning. I hear my mom saying,”wake up, time to get dressed and go on a hike up a 14,000 foot up Chrysolite mountain in Colorado.”

I look around the room trying to find my suitcase. Someone must’ve tried to hide it from me because I find it hidden under some used towels. I reach inside and find the warmest clothes I can because I know once we are at the top of the mountain, it’s going to be freezing. Then I get on the bus and sit right next to my friend. We noticed the windows on the bus are foggy from how cold it is outside. I fall asleep after we start driving. I wake up to the bus parking. I look up and see how far up my family and I have to climb.

We start hiking up the mountain in a group, looking at the trees blowing in the wind like a kite soaring through the air, and hearing the swishing rivers rush past us.

As we are walking we can look to any side of us and see wonderful views anywhere we look. While hearing the birds chirp and see squirrels running past us at. On the walking trail the rocks are loose making it slippery to trek our way to the top of the mountain. At every step hearing the crunch of rocks and getting our feet covered in mud. We finally make it to the final stretch of climbing up the mountain, and that is the steepest part. I get tired quickly climbing up this part but I know once I get to the summit it will be worth it. I pull through it using all of my energy and make it to the top.

Once I get to the top, I don’t look for any of my friends. All I do is look around for five minutes just taking in the breathtaking view. The view is literally breathtaking because now we are at the top of a mountain and there is less oxygen up there so it’s hard for us to breathe.

I take a seat at the top of the mountain and pick up a rock, and launch it down backside of the mountain. My family and I watch it tumbled down until it is out of our sight. We open our backpacks and grab sandwiches for each one of us and chow them down. They go down like water. We are so hungry after climbing up this high.

We then take pictures and start to make our way back down. On the way down we all reminisce about the time we had climbing up the mountain and all the views that we saw. What we saw were amazing views, ones that you’ll see once in a lifetime. Nothing will make me forget this trip.

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