My Journey | Teen Ink

My Journey

May 21, 2018
By LukePreston BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
LukePreston BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“What you put into it is what you get out of it.” This saying has been with me my entire life and has had a major influence on how I grew up as a small kid. The amount of times my father has inspired me with different sayings and strategies really formed me for who I am today. It all started when I was introduced to play football for the Park Ridge Falcons when I was 5, it was a new program and everything so my father worked as the head coach. While I past through my years of playing football at such a young age my father was always there to make me better with tiny errors and to simply just coach me to be a better athlete in general. I have learned so much with the ways he has taught me and have realized how much effort and time he has put in just to look out for me. He truly is the father anyone would ever want and I am proud to say he is mine.

By the time I was a sophomore I realized that I was at a more advanced athletic capability then others that were on the football team. I started pushing myself to limits I thought I could not even succeed at and even did things that im not used to, but that was just a small step to be the best. I was raised as a heavy competitor and my mind set has been like that for as long as I can remember. I would practice on days nobody else would, I would make smart decisions to stay out of trouble, I would use others negative opinions to motivate me to do better, and finally I would strive to just make my father and family proud for who I grew up to be.

Growing up was a great experience for me to learn from and use later in life to prepare for the future. It has showed me many things that I could improve on and many things that I have mastered, and as I continue to grow I will learn even more than I did in the past which is really exciting to think about. Hopefully I am able to put together all the tools that my family and peers have given me to succeed at high levels of life, it would be a great honor for me to be viewed as a role model by younger people in the future. Me and my family have always tried setting a great viewpoint for people to try and find that switch to make a difference in the world without giving up so easily.

My top priorities that I am trying to show you is, 1. Family, never get caught/drifted away from your family since those are the people that care the most for you and would sacrifice anything to help you in life. 2. Try making yourself a role model towards other people, you should want people to look up to you and learn from you it shows great leadership towards yourself. If you work hard enough and care about being the best you can actually be you will become a great role model towards people trying to reach that potential. 3. Finally is make a goal for yourself, if you want to make a difference try making a goal everyday that is very hard to reach; if you don't reach the goal you become much more competitive and determined to reach it the very next day which is a great way to becoming a great person. Trying to be successful at things you care about is not an easy road and will take hard work and time; but never ever give up on something you're passionate about.

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