The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

February 18, 2015
By Anonymous

I ‘m in foul trouble and I am about to be thrown out of the game. I already have fourth fouls.  My coach took me out of the game because he said I was too valuable to be lost in the third. He needed me in the fourth. I just sat down and watched the team play and they weren’t doing so hot. We were playing East Grand Rapids at home. They are supposedly the best team on our schedule.
“Full court press!” yelled my coach.
“Were trying Coach were just a little tired” replied Matt. There were only three minutes left in the third and we were down 12 points.
“Kirby get your butt on the bench. We need you for the fourth quarter,”
Coach had a plan. Our team just sat on the bench and
watched. We were doing pretty bad, we were barely answering their points. We were still down 15-27. 
As I sit on the bench watch my teammates battle I remind myself how the fourth quarter works. Usually how the fourth quarter works is, coach puts in all the best/hardest working players. I’ll be in for sure. I played the fourth quarter every game because I bust my butt to try to win. No one likes losing but especially not me.  
Now its 17-27 but were not letting them score on us. The clock was counting down to end the third quarter. 4… 3… 2… 1… “MEEEEEERRRR!” went the buzzer.
“Huddle up!” hollered coach. “Kirby, Taylor, George, Powney and Fisher you’ll be playing in the 4th quarter”
“The whole 4th quarter Coach?”  said Matt.
“Yes Kirby, the whole 4th quarter. Unless you screw up,” replied our coach. He can be tough on us sometimes, so I better not screw up.
The 4th quarter was now starting and we were all nervous, we were all afraid of messing up. The 4th quarter started and we were doing good. We scored 4 points, the score was now 21-27. There is 4 minutes left in the 4th quarter. We have the ball and Jack went in for a layup, made it and got fouled. When that happens it's called an and one. He made the shot and he gets to take a free throw. He makes the free throw and the crowd goes wild! The score is now 24-27.           
                                                                                                                                                                                          The other team gets the ball and their point guard just held the ball.
Holding the ball is a good way to run down the clock. Deontae steals the ball and storms down court for a breakaway layup. but he has a guy trailing him so he stopped at the arch and the guy went flying past him. Wide open at his sweet spot. An easy bucket that put us up to 27-27. Our coach calls a timeout to tell us how to play defense and he takes Matt out.
"Racalla  you're going in for Matt" says coach.
"Thank you coach" says Ben. There's 1 minute and 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter. They get the ball and try to go in for a layup but I steal it. I fly down court for a layup but I get fouled hard and get hit into the wall. My wrist feels like it's on fire from all the pain.
"Do you need to come out Anthony?" my coach asks.
"Nah Coach I'm fine" I say holding my wrist.
I step up to the line. I haven't made a free throw all season I doubt I'll make this one. I take a deep breath dribble the ball twice on the ground. I square up and shoot. The ball drains through the net and everyone in the crowd is screaming and yelling. The score is 28-27 now and I am so surprised that I made that free throw.
I could hear my team’s manager Trent shout from the bench,
I step up to the line to take the other one and it bounces off the rim, not surprising. Coach calls another timeout.
"Nice shot Anthony, now guys play hard defense and don't let them get a shot off! There's only 15 seconds left."
We press full court and as soon as the ball gets passed in Ben and I are all over the guy. He just crossed the half court line with 8 seconds left and me and Ben won't let him do anything. He tries to take a shot but we bat the ball back in his face. Ben picks it up and holds it. 3...2...1.. "MEEERRR" yells the buzzer.
E.J. Is the only person that storms the court from the bleachers but every one from my team runs out in the court and we all start yelling and chanting.
After we get dressed in the locker room and come out everyone is patting us on the back and saying good game. In the end I learned that no matter how much you’re down by, you can always come back to win. That was the best game of basketball I've ever played.

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