Bang Geeks | Teen Ink

Bang Geeks

December 7, 2014
By RainbowLlama BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
RainbowLlama BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's a Friday night football game, the one thing that you've been looking forward to after another agonizingly long week of homework and studying. It's the one place where you can hang out with your friends at school and show school spirit by being there to support the O'Connor team, whether you pay attention to the actual game or not. The band is playing some tune in the background that unconsciously makes you dance along. As half-time draws near, you and your friends take their seats and prepare yourselves for the ever-changing and improving show that the band eagerly provides. Everyone knows that anyone and everyone in band are labeled as a  'band geek'. Everyone knows that with each instrument in band, a stereotype is attached to it. Everyone knows the question, does the personality draw you to the instrument, or does the instrument build your personality?

The Sass Masters

It's strangely difficult to distinguish them from other members of the band. They do not show their true nature unless you are the one to start the conversation, but once they know you, they'll never leave you alone. They will be snarky and have a clever retort for everything you have to say. The people of this section truly match their instrument, hardly ever heard, but easily spotted. They are long silver shining rods of death after all. The flute section is typically the most disliked section in the band because they are seen as rowdy and rude. Which, if you say to their face, they will surely throw something straight back at you and send you on your merry way. Flutes are known to perform 'satanic rituals' and sacrifice one of their own before every game, depending on the occasion. This is one section that you do not want to start a civil war with.

The Egoists

There is always that one group of people that don't stop bragging about themselves, on top of being obnoxiously loud. The trumpet ego is incredibly annoying, yet somewhat astounding because who knew that someone can spend so long talking about just themselves.  Although it is nice to hear that someone is constantly practicing and putting more outside effort into band, there is no need for everyone to hear it every five seconds. They assume themselves to be the center of the universe, the instrument that always comes out on top, yet most of what they do is just give the rest of the band raging migraines. We are all glad that they care, and that they are not afraid to show it, but please, shut up. No one else needs to hear that one of the trumpets practiced for five hours straight. However, there are always the newbies that have not yet broken through their shells, and are unusually quiet. The ones that you have to force them to talk, if only to just learn their name. But do not worry, they do not stay quiet for long.

The Cliquers

The section that is never seen without being within inches of each other. They spend the most time together, inside and outside of practice. They hold everything together, they are the beat of the band. They are also the most fidgety, constantly tapping out some kind of rhythm no matter where they are or who they are near.  Drumline is more subtle in their ways of showing off, much unlike the trumpets. They are unafraid of playing in front of others, since their instruments are one of the loudest, they are quite used to having eyes drawn upon them. The people of frontline also tend to stick with their pack, being the ones who play card games in the back of the classroom, hoping to go unnoticed and get away with their schemes. Frontline and Drumline are hand in hand, they are all percussionists after all, and they do not leave one of their own behind them in the dust.

The Cheerleaders

Although they may not agree to this, the truth hurts. If you need information, they are the people to go to, because for some reason, they are always the most well informed of everyone. Even if you do not actually need information, and just want to hear about something that is going on within the band members, just walk up to one of them and smile expectantly. There is no doubt that they will start talking about the latest thing they have heard about the new band couple. They help support the band and provide bonus visual points. They twirl, dance, and throw their flags high into the air, catching them with perfect form. They often complain that they feel like the all the band does is bash them, and blame everything on them, when they are really just creating those rumors themselves. The band sees them as cheerleaders on steroids, because of all the insane things they can do with little to no help from others. The band integrates them as much as they can, but they have to be the ones to take us up on our generous offers as teammates.

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