The Legacy | Teen Ink

The Legacy

December 6, 2013
By James Despain BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
James Despain BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Jordan, you wrestling this year,” I asked.

“Of course man,” replied Jordan.

“Remember what happened last season, 0-15. I don’t know about this.”

“It will be fine. Coach B got fired. We got a new coach this year. Said to be pretty good.”


“His last name is Sanderson… not sure about his first name though.”

“Alright wrestlers, my name is Coach Sanderson, I will be taking over the wrestling team this year. Last year you guys did not do so good I heard. That will change this year. I guarantee. Now, let’s get started.” The beginning of practice was rough. We started out on the track. We had to run a full lap, then jog, then run, then jog ten times. More than half the kids trying out left about halfway through the workout. When we were finished we had a 3 minute water break.

“Hey Kyle, how you like coach,” asked Jordan.

“He sucks, this is that hardest practice ever, and we’re only half way through practice.”

“It will be fine. we get to go to the wrestling room after this.”

Most kids did not come to the second practice. They all told everybody at lunch the coach will make you puke your guts out. Throughout the day, people keep telling me to join another sport. They slammed me with reasons why not to wrestle. My reply to all of them, “I’m a wrestler, that’s what I do.”
As Kyle and I were walking to the locker room, we were stopped in the hallway by Coach Sanderson.
“You guys going to practice today,” he asked. It sounded like he was a little upset.
“Of course,” Jordan and I replied at the same time.
“Good. I heard a lot of people aren’t coming. They said it was too hard. Well, you two get dressed and head to the wrestling room.

Throughout the first month of wrestling more and more kids started to weave their way out. Most of them left because they didn’t want to work that hard. Others were asked to leave because of their grades. 57 kids came out. Now we have 31 kids. Our first match is in 1 week, and I’m 8 pounds overweight.
“Kyle, you ok in there,” asked one of my teammates Dan.
“I’m fine. Thanks,” I replied as soon as I was done vomiting. That’s one of the only ways I can lose weight fast, but I felt so sick afterword’s from losing so much water weight and everything that I had eaten that day.
The next couple of days were rough. I did manage to lose the weight the day before the match. The only problem was I still wasn’t feeling good at all. Both Jordan and I were not ready for the match. I am so sick and Jordan twisted his ankle in practice two days ago. Our determination is going to be the only thing that will let us be able to wrestler. Before Jordan and I weighed in to make sure we were on weight, Coach Sanderson called us in his office.
“You two are my favorite wrestlers this year,” he stated as soon as we walked in the door.
“Thanks Coach,” we both reply, happy and a little confused why is saying that now.
“You two are leading this team to great things. I can’t do it alone. I need your guys help. With everybody on the same page, I think we can flip this team around in the right direction.”
“You have my word Coach,” I reply.
“Same here Coach,” Jordan replies sounding confident.

The practice today went smoother and better than any other practice before. It may be because tomorrow there is a match, but I feel like everyone is extra motivated. I believe they can feel Coach Sanderson’s excitement for his first match coaching at our school. I also have noticed everyone has been doing a lot better in executing their moves and being able to defend moves better.
“Kyle, you ready for tomorrow,” asked Jordan as he took a single leg shot.
“Awesome. Took some medicine to fix my sickness,” I replied as I sprawled on top of him and circling around to get my two takedown points.
“Great, my ankle is a lot better. I have been wearing a protective brace and stretched it out all week.”
“Hey everyone, circle up,” Coach Sanderson said to everyone in the room. “Tomorrow is our first match. Everyone has gotten a hundred and ten percent better since I’ve been here. I am proud to coach all of you young men. As you all know, last year’s team did not win a match. That will change this year. All we need is everyone here to wrestler with their full potential, and their full heart. That’s how we will be winners tomorrow. Now… who’s ready to win?”
“We are coach,” replies everybody.
“I can’t HEAR you,” yells Coach.

As we walk through the opposing team gyms doors, we can see the crowd and our opponents. Everyone starts to get fired up when Jordan begins our new pre-match chat.
“WE READY, WE READY, WE READY, FOR Y’ALL,” yells the team in excitement.
As I watch my teammates go out onto the mat, I am very excited. We are winning 24-14 two matches before mine. As I begin to prepare for my match, I watch my two teammates before me both get pinned. The score is now 24-26 just like that. I begin to walk to the score table. My opponent, who is beginning to walk to the score table, beat me 7-4 last year. I have been preparing for this match all season.
“Wrestlers ready, “asks the referee. We both reply yes. Then the whistle goes off. I take my shot that is faster than lightning. My opponent doesn’t even react because it was so fast. When I get my two takedown points I begin working for a pinning combination. My opponent posts his hand up. I get a half nelson and begin to walk to the head. His shoulder blades are on the mat after I squeeze my half in tighter. 1…2…3…smack. The referee blows the whistle. I had won the match in under 30 seconds. After I shake my opponent and his coach’s hand, I run back to our bench. Jordan and Coach Sanderson are there waiting for me.
“Great match,” yells Jordan in excitement.
Coach Sanderson looks me dead in the eye. “Kyle, great match out there! That’s how a captain wrestles! I’m very proud of you!”
After my match, we didn’t lose again. We won 67-26. Coach Sanderson led us to our first undefeated wrestling season ever. Jordan and I both went on to win a state championship that season. Without Coach Sanderson, I would not be the wrestler, or the person I am today.

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