Cleats | Teen Ink


October 18, 2023
By Anonymous

We are all one team, together, tougher, tighter, but one thing sets us apart, cleats. Defenders blacked out kopa’s ready to show all aggression needed to take anyone out of the game. They are lions, ready to strike and do whatever it takes to win. The midfielders tiempos ready to absorb all the pace off the ball and stop it dead. They move like cheetahs, so agile and fast. They gracefully navigate the field finding all attacking opportunities. Wingers, the colorful, flashy, and alive nike mercurials moving around the ball with such speed defenders lose their balance. They get lost in the waves of color, they are dangerously bright, they will blind you. The strikers nike phantoms, laceless, hiding in the shadows of the backline ready to pounce like a cat onto the ball to get any shot they can, but together, we create the perfect team. No flaws.

My cleats, a wingers, bright and flashy. There are only 2 of us on the field. I stand out, but that's the goal. I seem alone, on my own island over on the wing, but my team is with me. My cleats represent me, they are me. They show my style, how I play, and how I am a part of the team.

The author's comments:

I love soccer!

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