Dethroning the King of the Jungle | Teen Ink

Dethroning the King of the Jungle

October 18, 2018
By Anonymous

“Bum, Bum...Bum, Bum...Bum, Bum…” my heart trying to burst out of my chest, waiting to see what Eisenhower has put against us. Snapping my helmet on and lining up next to Ethan in the locker room, 2 by 2 eager to just see the field of past and the future of that field. Not knowing this would be the beginning to a fantastic season… leading to a 8-0 season. Trying to focus on what was a head seemed impossible just wanting to get out there and hit someone. As we started walking out of the locker room that would help weave together the best bonds that most of us have ever been apart of. “Play like a Champion.” The only sign in the locker room shined out at us, like one of those bright bar signs. While walking out we smacked the plastic covering the sign. Walking out to the field all we knew was, do your job and execute.


Walking to the field and flipping that switch, lining up for warm-ups and stretching we lined up for the National Anthem.

As we prepared for battle and looking over to the other side line not knowing the outcome. As our special teams went out to kickoff the game. As our starting defense jogged out to the spot of the ball we knew that we needed to come out hitting or else we could be shut down easily. Our starting defense would contain, Joe, John as big as a Ox, William as our starting 3 front. Our buck and pirate, Carson and Mason. Our starting backers, Kyle, Brant, Max who’s great at reading plays but not books. Finally our secondary who would combine for over 15 interceptions this year would be, Ashton “Ball Hawk” at Safety and Deon and Nathan as our Corners who could shut you down easier than a sign.

As the first quarter was about to wrap up the score was 28-0. Awaiting the Lions to get their offense to come back out to the field our  defense would help our offense with 2 interceptions and with one of them being returned for 6! With the Second quarter being our best of the year. We would add touchdown, after touchdown, after touchdown we just added to our huge lead for some insurance as our second stringingers would get be able to get their reps in.


As the clock ran down and half time arrived we took to the end zone and listened to what our shocked coaches had to say. As the clock ran down for the half time period we would form a circle and stretch and get our minds back into game mode.

Third Quarter would have very few break away plays but our scout team proved that they were here to play. Soon to come up was the Fourth Quarter and as Coach Grabo came over and stated, “ Your going to rest the rest of the game. Way to do your job kid.”

After adding one more touchdown with our scout offense would take a knee and finish our first freshmen game, 1-0. Final Score would finalize as 41-8.

As we would line up on 50 and shake hands with Eisenhower, at the end, following Ethan we would run over to the elated crowd of the upper class men.

Looking back on this past season and remembering all the things we did successful and all the fun bus rides and all the locker room dance-offs  with Zane and John. This season will stick with me and with our team. With finishing off this fantastic season going 8-0 and making unbreakable bonds. With all of the memories with not only with my teammates but with the coaches and the amount of hard work we all as a team put in together. Then those 2-a day practices which would feel like not hours but days. Bitter sweet at the end and glad to move on to bigger and better games, but sad to have to leave that in the past and watch it all go. Overall,  I am truly blessed and look forward to the upcoming season with my “Brothers.”

The author's comments:

The reasoning and the point you could say behind this personal narrative was to share my nervousness and my excitement for my first high school. As a team we play 43 games over our high school careers. I’m glad I got to spend it with my team. For you as a reader wanting you not to let life pass you by, but cherish the good times before they’re gone. Make sure you live in the moment and not have any regrets.  

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