My Name Is | Teen Ink

My Name Is

October 10, 2016
By Rezamoeeni BRONZE, Dsdvsvv, Colorado
Rezamoeeni BRONZE, Dsdvsvv, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Kevin I am 14 years old I live in Denver, Colorado I came from Iran that’s in the middle east and it was a big change when I moved here because I didn't know anyone and I didn't know how to speak english it was really weird and also really awkward but i really liked it when i moved here because i never been here and it was really cool to see how it was here and before i came to Colorado I went to New York and Ohio and my family and I lived at my uncles in Ohio and if I had to choose out of these 3 states well I would still live here but I would go and visit Ohio and New York again they were also cool to see I really liked Ohio.

The author's comments:

I think its cool for people to know what i did in the past and what im doing now through out my life 

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