My Favorite Mistake | Teen Ink

My Favorite Mistake

April 18, 2016
By alicepowers BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
alicepowers BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How funny is it to think about the many mistakes we have made throughout our life. Some may have been worse than others or could have affected your life in a more negative than positive way, but how weird is it to think about your favorite one. I have made a good amount of mistakes but some have turned out for the better of things.
My favorite mistake I ever made was trying out for the wrong soccer team this past travel season. I was so excited for this try out , I had waited all year for this and it was finally my time! The days leading up to the tryout I made sure my skills were fresh and where they needed to be at. My dad and I would go to the park and take shots everyday and he would bring cones so we could work on footskills. When the big day finally came I got up ate a good big breakfast. When I arrived I had to wait in line behind at least 60 people. Once I got the paperwork I thoroughly filled everything out selected U-16 girls team and patiently waited for my group to be called. As I waited my turn a lady came around with my tryout number, number 14, I started to get nervous at this point. The U-15 girls finally finished their tryout and the coaches yelled next group! I quickly hopped up and heard my dad in the distance yell “go get em ALL” I laughed and waved at him. I obviously assumed that U-16 tryouts would come after U-15 but I noticed the girls seemed noticeably bigger than me, eh I shook it off. So the process began, we started off with sprints, which led into long distance running, and then led to one on one drills and then complex foot skill drills to test our speed with the ball. In the one on one I went up against this big girl, holy crap was I scared she looked 18! After that drill ended I heard her talking in a group with about 6 girls about their senior volleyball season and how senior night was soon. WHAT, i immediately started to panic. I ran over to the coach and asked if this was a U-16 tryout he looked at me goofy and then began to tell me how i was currently trying out for U-18 and that U-16 tryouts were the day before. I stared at him in shock as I realized I was 15 going up against 18 year olds. I simply replied with a oh okay and went through the tryout trying not to show how scared I was and now extremely nervous. AFter the tryout ended I talked to the coach about how I thought I was trying out for U-16, he comforted me and then delivered good news, I made the U-18 team!

In conclusion this experience ended up great for me, I learned I had potential in myself and I was good enough to push myself into a higher level team, I also met a lot of new people and loved the team. I never really believed I could make a team playing with all older girls but I made it and that skill was brought out in me. This team caused me to push myself and that worked out really well for me. The friends I made were great ones and I became very close with them, meeting new people is one thing I love so much so that worked out great for me. The coaches were great and they showed me a lot of new things and I got a lot of opportunities from playing for this team. Overall if I hadn't played for this team I wouldn't have college scouts looking at me and I would not have had such a good experience.

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