Don't Grow Up | Teen Ink

Don't Grow Up

January 20, 2016
By offically_ty BRONZE, Webster, Florida
offically_ty BRONZE, Webster, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People say thats these are the best days of our lives, our high school days that is. I dont think they are. When you are little you dream about these days. Your innocent mind dreams about being a teenager. In your mnd you think i cant wait to be a teenager, it all looks so amazing...the driving, staying up late, hanging out with your friends and having more freedom. Well its not what it seems, i always thought it would be amazing but my 5year old brain had it all wrong. Its 10 years later and nothing is as it seemed to be. Sure driving can be fun, the only reason you stay up late is because of all the work you have to do or because im so worried that i cant sleep, hanging out with your friends and partying itsnt as fun as the tv and piictures always made it out to be and then you have the whole dating think. Well i am here to tell you it isnt what it seems either, its all fun until he breaks your heart and leaves you there. Well here i am now a teenager and wishing i was 5 years old again, when everyone was your friend and boys were gross and social media didnt matter all im saying is dont grow up too fast it isnt fun you are going to wish you could go back but you cant. Just try to hold on as long as you can and enjoy the little things.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write my piece because i was struggling with school and friends and family.  I hope that people will learn to saver every moment of there childhood and not to rush things.

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