A disaster af a Vacation | Teen Ink

A disaster af a Vacation

December 17, 2015
By Anonymous

STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! Crashing down the stairs I gooooooo! I thought to myself. Right when I hit the fluffy, white carpet my feet start to sting from jumping down from too high. My bag was packed and I was ready to go! My mom was just finishing up with the car and my dad was filling up the cooler for the road. I was bouncing all over, looking for something to do. ”Mom, do you need any help?” I exclaimed.
“No Cassidy, but I think your dad needs some help bringing the coolers to my car,” so I sprinted over to my mom’s car but he didn’t need any help either. I had nothing else to do. I sat down and watched T.V. with my sisters. I was so interested in my show that it was time to go, just like that.
A couple hours later, we were in the car listening to music and heading to gulf shores. My mom thought it would be the greatest idea to stop at starbucks and give me and my little sister (Olivia) a caramel coffee as a little treat. It tasted like heaven with caramel and whipped cream on top. We were bouncing all over in the car; yelling in people's ears and talking the fastest we have ever talked before but because I was very little all I was saying sounded like jibberish. Finally, we were at the hotel where we would stay at for a week. The view was amazing. We could see the sandy, clearwater beach of the Gulf of Mexico just from our hotel deck! And the air smelled fresh.
First thing we did when we got there was unpack because I was seven I didn’t give much help. All I was good for was taking the small bags and bringing them into our room. We were staying in a hotel room with: 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. My 3 sisters and I shared one bedroom where my mom and dad had there own. Next, my sisters (Taylor, Alexis, and Olivia) and I went to go check out the rest of the hotel. It was amazing, there was a tennis court, a pool, and many more things but too much to list.
When we got back to the hotel room my parents were done unpacking and we were all ready to go to the beach. So I quickly put on my purple one piece and waited for the rest of the family to be done. Soon we were at the beach and it was luxurious!As I gazed across the almost empty, beach I saw that it was perfect. The sun was shining down on all of us, the sand was warm and comfy, and the water was as clear as day with each wave chasing each other until they hit shore. I saw our hotel from there and I felt like we were living in a mansion. There were other kids playing in the sand and families playing in the water. My family and I didn’t notice but spent the rest of the day playing in the wavy water and sleeping on the warm, soft sand.
Next, we went home and put on our casual clothes; regular t-shirt, some jeans, and a sweatshirt. We went back to the beach just to walk in the light of the moon. The beach was even prettier in the night. When the waves settle and when there was no one around but maybe a couple of stragglers and us. My mom found a turtle so my big sister got a net and started “hunting” them. We caught so many; but let them go right after.
The rest of the week was the beach and exploring the gulf shores. But soon it was time to go back to Michigan. I was all packed and ready to go before anyone else so I sat in my room and watched TV. I heard the door open and close multiple times but I didn’t think anything of it. It had been a long time since I heard anything so I came out of my room to find that I was alone.I tried to open the door but they had locked it and I did not know how to unlock a twisty lock.”HELLO!”, I yelled hoping someone would hear me but nobody did. So I tried, I tried to get out of that hotel room but I couldn’t. What if they never come back, What if I have to live here! 
Some time had passed and I thought that my mom was never going to come back so I sat on the ground and cried some more. I lost hope and was scared out of my mind. And then, the door handle started turning…
I stopped crying and backed up scared it was something else but intrigued to see if my mom had come back for me. The door opened slowly and I was terrified. The first thing I see is her, my mom’s blue eyes and freckled skin. she runs up to me and hugged me like she would never let me go again. We started to laugh and I just embraced her hug. She brought me to the parking garage where everyone was waiting. They all laughed to see that I had cried the hardest I have ever cried before.
On the way home I started to fall asleep. For how much drama had gone on, tired me out pretty good. I thought about it and laughed to myself. I was just glad it was over and if I ever were in that situation again I would know to trust my family so they wouldn’t forget me AGAIN. And then I fell asleep, all the way, and dreamed about my own bed in my own home with my family.

The author's comments:

This peice is about how I went to Guf Shores and I would never come back the same.

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