The Yeti | Teen Ink

The Yeti

December 16, 2015
By 41009 BRONZE, Grand Rapids MI, Michigan
41009 BRONZE, Grand Rapids MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Dad I don’t want to do this,” I burst out as I was shaking like a 8.5 earthquake.
“It will be ok Teague,” my dad giggled, while we were walking up the the stairs.
“Why can’t we just go to Typhoon Lagoon Water Park?”, I asked my dad before getting onto the ride.  Which is a really fun water park I would rather go to, instead of going to Disney’s Animal Kingdom. It is a perfect day to go to a water park.
“Because Luke (Brother) wanted to see if he was tall enough to ride the Yeti. Plus every other park that we went to said that he wasn’t tall enough so that is why we thought it was a good idea to try this park out. Because he really wants to ride a roller coaster,” he commented, as we were getting into the carts. But instead of Luke riding it, it turned the other way and I rode it instead...he wasn’t tall enough.
At this very moment, I was boarding a very scary ride that stands 200 feet up in the air. I realized that this is my first and my last time on a rollercoaster. I was full of fear, tired from walking around all day...and now I was about to go scream - shout- and let it all out. The time that this weird feeling started, was when the ride started to go backward. Yes, I mean backward!! On top of that, my Dad and I sat in the front seats. I get chills just thinking about those feelings that I had. I started shaking my head from side to side - because that is what I do when I get scared. Also, going off a 80 ft. drop at 50-60 was awesome!! I will always remember this moment: it made its way into my memory box for a long time.
Once we went backward, I was screaming like a little girl not getting a new dolly. I was really loud; I think the people in the back of the rollercoaster heard me. Plus, when I was shaking my head it didn’t really feel that good but that is what I do when I get scared. In addition to that I was holding onto my dad’s arm as tight as I could. I felt like I was hanging on for dear life, when we went around those really steep turns and down steep drops. Also, the seat belt felt loose going across my body (back then it felt really loose, but now it would probably feel really tight - being how big I am) which is not good feeling, even for a little kid like I was.
Being a little kid, having a loose seat belt on a rollercoaster taking sharp turns, and dropping 80ft. are not things that go together too well.  As Blue from Rio would say, “Cheese and Sprinks”. I didn’t really feel comfortable at all. My head was resting on what felt like a block of wood. Plus that terrible screeching sound of the carts. Especially when we were going backward. That was when the screeching really began to happen.
In the end, I did something that was really hard for me to do because I have a huge huge fear of heights. I am glad that I finally faced one of my top fears. Granted my head hurt, I was shaking, and felt like I was going to throw-up. But, like everything else in life, you got to see if you like it first, before you stick with it. It’s kind of like test driving a new car. You have to test drive it before you decide you want to buy it. That is how roller coasters are for me. However, I only went once.  Maybe I should ride one again sometime...being that I am older. Heights still kind of freak me out a little.

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