Talent | Teen Ink


December 3, 2015
By Thorn84 BRONZE, Marysville, Ohio
Thorn84 BRONZE, Marysville, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m five years old, my kindergarten teacher hands out a piece of construction paper and crayons to each of the kids. She asks us to write down what you want to be when you’re older and draw a picture of it. My best friend at the time, Lexi, excitedly writes teacher on her paper and I see her draw an apple resting on a desk. Turning back to my paper I stare at it blankly, what do I want to do? More and more of the children have shown her their paper receiving a gold star. Not wanting to feel left out I follow Lexi’s example and put down teacher. 

I’m now 12 years old, and beginning 7th grade. My teacher passes out a half sheet of paper with lines and a small picture of a gift on it. She instructs us to write down the job we would like to have and why. Some friends are nearby so I see what they are putting down. All of them already have jobs down, Accountant, Chef, artist, many of the other kids are finishing. Sitting there I think about my talents and my interest. Nothing, nothing stands out. So again I settle for a lie, jotting down baker and some odd reason I hand in my paper.

We flash to today and I stare at this bank screen, trying to find the words I need to share my thoughts. The cursor sits and flashes taunting me daring me to make a move towards the keyboard. My brain goes empty, nothing is there. No talent, no interest, just emptiness. I try to talk to people about it they answer you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do, or they say you have talent you just haven’t had time to perfect it. But I know I have no talent. I know I’m not a help to this world, what do I really bring to the table? I guess what I’m trying to say is if you have a gift be thankful cherish it, use it anytime you can. For the people who feel like me just know you’re not alone and I hope you find something one day that makes you happy.

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