Self-Love | Teen Ink


November 15, 2015
By adriana.solorio BRONZE, Napa, California
adriana.solorio BRONZE, Napa, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s very important that people love themselves and be comfortable with their looks/body, and that everyone accepts themselves, so with that said, I believe that it’s okay to love yourself and that you totally should. Is Self-Love important? Yes. Why? Because loving yourself is accepting yourself, helping to give you so much confidence, changing your perspective in a good way. When you love yourself, most of the time, you would want to put yourself on the right path to lead you to success. So yes loving yourself is very important and necessary.

When I wake up in the morning and look in the mirror that hangs above the sink in my bathroom, I see under-eye bags that have been becoming worse due to my lack of sleep, my nose that has this odd big bridge on it, pimples here, and there and my big curly hair that resembles a lion mane. All these things are things I would like to change about myself and I’m pretty sure everyone would like to change at least one thing about himself when they look at their reflection in the mirror. Overtime I learned to accept all these things, not fully, but put them more towards the back of my mind, so I wouldn’t really think about them as much. It always makes feel somewhat better to know that I’m not that only one that feels insecure about one thing or another and I think that could help you too.

Throughout middle school, I absolutely hated my hair. Before I cut a few inches off my hair, I always thought it was just too big and puffy and just crazy all around. Everyday I put my hair up in either a strangely huge ponytail, due to the fact that I have very thick hair, or in two fat pig-tails. I never had it down.  I honestly don’t know why my hair was my biggest insecurity when I always had people reassuring me that my hair is beautiful. It wasn’t until the summer before high school that I began to learn to love my hair. I learned how to style my hair so that it suited me, and when I was happy with it, I started to wear it down nearly everyday. I’ve noticed a change about my feelings on my appearance, happy feelings. It may have taken a while but I did accept one of my insecurities. My big, puffy, curly hair defines who I am.

Most of the time when someone loves oneself, they will do anything they can to reach their goals. I push myself to do my best so I can create the life I desire. It takes hard work to get to my dream job , to be in the Behavior Analysis Unit with the FBI, and I am willing to do a lot to get there. “Self-love and happiness are necessary to pursue any goals.” I am proud of where I am in life and in school, and I plan to stay on a good path. So, yes., Doing everything possible to follow my dreams to make sure I become a happy adult is loving myself/self-love.
The point that I’m trying to get across is that self-love is necessary to live a happy life. Something we all could do to help someone realize that is to give a compliment every now and then. because that  alone could raise confidence which will improve ties into self-love. Accept yourself, love yourself. This I believe.

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