Farewell Letter | Teen Ink

Farewell Letter

June 5, 2015
By Megan Writtenberry BRONZE, Munroe Falls, Ohio
Megan Writtenberry BRONZE, Munroe Falls, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Goodbyes are never easy. Some may come with sorrow, loss, and grief. But others make you come to the realization of how much things once meant to you, and can even give you a greater appreciation towards the future. High school has been filled with goodbyes and new beginnings. I let go of some things that I had been holding onto since freshman year. But I am finally set at ease, and now accepting the fact that letting go is apart of growing as an individual. Goodbye to my first heartbreak freshman year. For I thought it was the end of the world when truly it was just a bump in the road. Goodbye to the pain I endured sophomore year with losing one of the people I loved the most. You are missed entirely and I want you to know my mind often wanders to the memories we shared not too long ago. I have now let go of my anger with God and pain of the situation as a whole. But a piece remains empty as your presence is still absent. Goodbye to my first love. Who taught me your first real love will make you see that your first love, wasn’t really your first love. I will forever cherish the secrets shared and how much you helped me go through. But I will say farewell to the broken heart you left me the moment you said goodbye. You left me heartless, untrusting of letting anyone in and even scared of commitment. Goodbye to friends who didn’t stick around when the going got tough. You showed true colors in the darkest of times. Goodbye to the people I pushed away. I am sorry I hurt you while I was hurting. But as for the new beginnings and as for him, thank you for showing me it is okay to trust someone wholeheartedly after all the past experiences. I’m starting to know what it’s like to feel butterflies again. In such a short amount of time you taught me to how to let people in and even let my guard down. As for the people I remained close with and even new friendships formed, this is not goodbye. This is seeing you tomorrow, next week, a year from now, or somewhere down the road.  So goodbye to the mistakes made, heartbreaks dealt with, and unexpected losses. And say hello to the new friendships formed, laughing till you can’t breathe, and all the memories to come.

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