The Promise | Teen Ink

The Promise

May 24, 2015
By Welanko SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
Welanko SILVER, Clarkston, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower. "

  Today, we are here to honor the sacrifices made by our brave servicemen and women. Memorial day honors those who sacrificed their lives, so we could live ours.


   This day of remembrance originated from after  the civil war. General John Logan, commander of the Grand Army of the Republic announced “The 30th of May 1968 is designated  for the purpose of strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land,”. Decoration day, as it was first called, later changed from a day to honor those who died in the civil war, to a day where we are able to honor all veterans who have lost their life in war. We have this day of remembrance so all Americans may observe,  in their own way, a time of respect for our troops. We pause our lives, and pay our respect to our fallen soldiers.
147 years later, Memorial Day remains one of America’s most cherished, and patriotic holidays. The spirit of this day has not changed: it still remains as a day to honor those who have passed away while defending our country and ideals. It is an especially important holiday as it reminds us of the great sacrifices men and women of the Armed Services make to defend our way of life. These soldiers are fallen heroes. They are lost, but never forgotten.
   A memorial is intended to commemorate someone or something. So today, on this Memorial Day, we are coming together as a nation to honor the valor of our military heroes. Let us never forget how lucky we are, to be a nation where so many men and women are willing to sacrifice everything to protect us. It has been said by many that a hero is someone who is willing to sacrifice themselves for their country and people. We will always remember our nation's heroes., as the spirit of heroes never dies.

   If you’ve ever had the honor to visit some of our nation's greatest memorials, such as the Vietnam Wall, you can see the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by our soldiers. Memorials are supposed to be healing. they help to remember and honor. Going to see the memorials has an instant impact or effect on a person. You see those that are still trying to heal as they mourn their loss through tears or the giving of presents, such as flowers or a note.
America can get lost in the summer nostalgia of this day as it's filled with barbeques and festivities, but we can no longer be forgetful of the sacrifices made by servicemen and women.

The families and friends of the veterans cannot forget the sacrifices they why should we?
After all, they did something so honorable and concrete for everyone of us here, right now.
   Today, of all days, I hope that as Americans, we can set aside our own personal strife and take the time to pay our honor to those who are too often out of mind… our brave troops who have put their service before themselves. Our military is filled with heroes whose devotion is unrivaled and unquestioned, It is because of their brave, selfless acts that we may live such privileged lives.

   Memorial day should not pass by without  a second thought, as we owe our fallen soldiers a tremendous thank you. Without their acts of valor and bravery during combat, we would not be where we are today.

   Every life lost is a tragedy, especially when the heat of combat ended it prematurely. I hope that on this day, we as a country can direct our minds to the remembrance of our nation's heroic defenders whose lives were tragically cut short. Their sacrifice will never be forgotten. May the memories of their lives be forever cherished and their sacrifices noted and endlessly appreciated by the country,and the people, they protected,

   Today, we celebrate the dedication, sacrifice, unity and valor of our Veterans. To all the soldiers that never had a momentous homecoming, to the fallen soldiers that were never identified, to all of our troops, thank you for your sacrifices you make for this country. Memorial day will continue to remain as a respected and important holiday. As a nation we made a promise- a promise that have to keep. We promised to honor our fallen heroes. This a promise that must never be broken . So to all who have died protecting my country, may you rest in eternal peace, and thank you once again for your heroic sacrifice and dedication.

The author's comments:

A memorial day speech written to honor the fallen veterans that served our country.

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