Peer Pressure | Teen Ink

Peer Pressure

April 11, 2015
By Marcus DeLuna BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Marcus DeLuna BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This story all begins in the 6th grade last year; waiting for our bus. Well it actually all begins during lunch.

I’m hanging around with my normal group of friends at our lunch table talking, having a great time. Till one of them had to open up her mouth and say me and Emely look cute together and should go out. We just looked at each other and sort of smiled at one another. I already knew she liked me before because she told me a couple months ago. So her and I were being bugged all day about going out which I sort of thought about it but I wasn’t interested. In all my classes I was bothered about asking her even if in my gut I didn’t want to. The time came when it was the end of school, everybody waiting for their bus.

All of our friend’s buses were already called so it was just her and I waiting. As we were taking we got in the subject of us and what people are saying. Seconds later the words “Do you want to out with me?” just came into the conversation. Oddly starting at each other she said yes. A little while after the weirdness of not knowing what to do our buses were called. We got up and walked to the bus ramp and I walked her to her bus and hugged and left to mine. All day at home I was thinking “Did I really make the right decision?” In the morning I just acted like everything was all cool and I wasn’t having second thoughts. All day that’s how I was. Laughing, hugging and just joking around was the way I acting on the outside. After I seen all the fun she was having I just couldn’t break up especially just in one day.

So we kept dating for about a week until my true feelings came out after school. Sitting at the table just talking I wanted to tell her so bad but I couldn’t. All that time I just acted like I was happy. My bus was called and I really wanted to go but I couldn’t just leave her feeling all confused. So when I finally told her, it was while I was walking out the class so I wouldn’t have to see her reaction. Walking down the hall I felt like I did the right thing but also feel like I really hurt her. 

The next morning during class everybody was asking me how we broke up and I just said I told her that I was pressured into asking her out and also asked if we could still be friends. Ever since then were still are friends but not like we used to be like before we went out.

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