Punchbowl Falls | Teen Ink

Punchbowl Falls

March 30, 2015
By inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
inawang PLATINUM, Portland, Oregon
22 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We nodded politely at the families passing by, stepped sideways for the runners on the left, and stared secretly at the hippie finding inner peace while performing yoga on the edge of the cliff. My forehead was beaded with perspiration, but my aching feet unconsciously and continuously stepped one in front of the other. The sun relentlessly shone down on me as my vision blurred, and came back into focus. The rigid rocks provided scanty support as the ground wavered five hundred feet below me. My burning legs thanked me as I stopped to look around and take in the scenery. Eagles circled overhead the painted sky and lush emerald green foliage covered the mountain. Conquering the Punchbowl Falls off of the Eagle Creek Trailhead at the classic Columbia Gorge was a brief yet greatly appreciated escape from reality.

A roaring waterfall pounded in the distance. The racing waves foamed over the multi-colored pebbles creating endless rippled patterns, something that could not be replicated. Although the trail was short, about four miles round-trip, there were many glorious sights to see from above, becoming more majestic as we reached higher up the mountain. The narrow and treacherous trail was barely able to support the width of one person. The slippery pathway and drizzling overhead waterfalls caused an adrenaline rush as the gravel crunched beneath my muddied sneakers. Every once in a while, I caught sight of the panoramic attraction stretching miles ahead of us.

Once we arrived at the summit, I caught my breath as my eyes widened. The most spectacular view extended all around me. The sapphire sky melted into the powdered clouds, the smell of pine heightened my senses, and the thundering punchbowl consumed my thoughts. Without taking a step forward to conquer the uphill battle, I never would have experienced the regal sights of the peak. I held the entire world in my palm, and my ascent to witness the beauty of the universe was worth the fight.

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