Something I Love | Teen Ink

Something I Love

March 16, 2015
By N_Fry BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
N_Fry BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When it comes to loving something, one could say I have many love affairs.  However, I do love cereal more than most.  Really? Cereal?  Well, maybe I might have picked cereal because I was un-inspired and just so happened to be eating it, or I just really love cereal…it doesn’t really matter why I picked it.  What does matter is why I love it.  For starters, there is a huge selection of cereals to choose from which nobody should ever get bored of it.  Cereal is healthy despite what some people say.  Just look at the nutritional facts, most cereals are generally a good source of vitamins and minerals.  Cereal is also quick and easy to make.  The packaging is convenient, and cereal has a considerably long shelf life.  The final, and most important, reason that I love cereal is because it is heavenly.  The sugar and high fructose corn syrup mixed with milk and random ingredients in the cereal make the tastiest snack or breakfast I can think of.  No sarcasm intended.  A spoonful of those little, crispy, crunchy, savory bites are, in my opinion, a highlight to my morning.  I know I am not the only one who thinks this; some people just aren’t willingly to admit it or have thought about cereal enough to give it the shout-out that it deserves.  I do enjoy brand name cereals like Frosted Flakes™ and Honey Smacks™, but getting the non-name brand cereals is the way to go because there is usually more cereal in the package and it is considerably cheaper.  My personal favorites are Apple Jacks™, Frosted Flakes™, Captain Crunch™, and Golden Crisps™.  Again I love cereal and I don’t know anyone who doesn’t at least enjoy a type of cereal, so do yourself a favor and go buy a box.

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