My Brother | Teen Ink

My Brother

January 5, 2015
By J.Fro BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
J.Fro BRONZE, West Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes, I wonder what it’d be like without a younger brother. I try looking at the pros and cons of the possibility of not having a younger sibling. So far, here’s what I came up with.

Pros: The house might be a little cleaner, I wouldn’t have to clean up the counter after every meal, I wouldn’t be so annoyed all the time, I’d have a little more bit of attention, less money would be spent, I’d have a lot more stuff, and there’d be an extra room in the house.

Those were just a few I could name right now. But there are some negatives about this…
Cons: Opposite of all the above, I wouldn’t have much entertainment since I can’t play video games on week nights, I’d have to do all the chores, my future kids wouldn’t have an uncle on my side, I might not laugh as much at home, and, I guess, I wouldn’t have a brother growing up.

Sometimes, I wish I didn’t have a brother. I think that life would be better off without a little, annoying, immature sibling that doesn’t understand half the things that I do. I wouldn’t get distracted from homework everytime he came home from school. I wouldn’t have to deal with constant and repeating silliness that falls out of his mouth. Life might be a little bit better.

But sometimes, I’m so glad that I have a brother. Someone that can make me laugh, someone to ask questions, someone to ask for something for Christmas so you can have it, someone to hand over their un-touched food to a more hungry me. I like to have him around, even if he can be a pain in the butt most of the time.

His name is Nick. 4’9”, fourth grade, popular in his grade, almost 10 years old, glasses, brown hair, hazel eyes, plays football, basketball, and soccer, plays piano, and will play trumpet. He loves cats, PS3, his iPhone, tv, winning, music and dessert. He hates homework, barking dogs, losing, lack of muscle, and being grounded.
After really thinking about it, I can’t imagine what it’d be like without him. I would never experience the roller coaster of having a sibling. There might be some good things about not having a brother, but in the end, it was a good thing I have one.

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