Looks Can Be Deceiving | Teen Ink

Looks Can Be Deceiving

November 7, 2014
By _monicuuuh_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
_monicuuuh_ BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"She is down for him too because she feels his strength, craves his love and attention, feels safe tucked at his side."

When I first saw Christina Reynoso, I thought she looked so pretty. “She’s so pretty and has really nice eyebrows, but looks kind of mean, and stuck up.” I thought to myself. But that was before her and I became friends.

I noticed we had Mrs. Ramos’s class together. It was second period. I never talked to her because I thought she didn’t like me. I always thought she mugged me, or maybe talk about me, or maybe say something like I’m really weird. I thought that then because I suspected she disliked me.

Even if I felt her not liking me, I still that she was pretty. I thought to myself, “Maybe, just maybe I got her wrong…” “Maybe she is cool?” I questioned my thoughts. She could be nice, she could be mean, I didn’t know then, my curiosity rose as I thought about it more and more.

Maybe she didn’t like me? Maybe she is just like that, natural mug look. I didn’t know. One day I was talking to Francisco Rivera, my very good friend, in Mrs. Ramos’s class, and Christina was going up to us to talk to him. I’m not usually rude, so I said hi to her. We all talked and laughed a bit, and I thought to myself “I had her all wrong.”

After a while her and I became very good friends, she’s understanding, funny, and very kind. I absolutely ADORE her, she’s awesome. At the end, I really did misjudge her.


The author's comments:

Looks Decieve!

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