What is this Love? | Teen Ink

What is this Love?

September 7, 2014
By Anonymous

... Okay, so maybe I'm a bit in love with him. But, honestly, what's not to love? And can't this love be a totally different kind of love than true love and friendship love? Could this love be like the love only the soul lets you have when that one person comes along, and although they aren't a big part of your life change it forever and you have no rhyme or reason as to why you can say you love them, you just do. It's not a love like my first love, or a love I would give my boyfriend (if I even had one), or even the love I would give my best friend... this is a whole different love, and it's so emotionally fufilling, I can't describe it, only to say, I'm happy. Because Of This Love, I'm High On Life.

The author's comments:

For almost six months now, people have been trying to get me to "hook up" with one of my guy friends of whom I took to prom last school year. I don't know why, we don't suit each other whatsoever, and I don't like him. I love him like a friend. But recently, although we don't speak as often due to hectic schedules in school this year, I'm reflecting more and more on what he said to me at the end of the year last year... and it's made this possible.

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