I Guess It's Okay | Teen Ink

I Guess It's Okay

June 7, 2014
By CSmol BRONZE, Manalapn, New Jersey
CSmol BRONZE, Manalapn, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Veni Vidi Vici

Sitting there on the couch, in silence, on that summer day made me think. I wasn’t thinking about school ending. I wasn’t thinking about my new summer job. I wasn’t thinking about hanging out with my friends this summer. The thought that did cross my mind was the fact that I would never take a family picture again. And why was that? Because my parents were now legally divorced, and to top it all off hated each other. This thought made my mind jump back to last year. The yelling and fighting was constant. Every day I heard the same conversation. I knew it wasn’t healthy, but I still wished they would work things out. I wanted to have a “perfect” family like in the movies. I didn’t want to be another child of divorce – one of those “50% of families in the U.S”. I hoped every night that there would be a miracle and something would change – or someone. But then my mind jumped back to now – the silence. There was no more yelling. There was no more aggression. Life was more peaceful, and I just had to accept that this is the way it was meant to be. Life was already written and what’s meant to be will be. Suddenly, a new thought began to rattle my mind, and I had to succumb – I had to go get some ice cream.

The author's comments:
My life has been a lot like a roller coaster and my mind is always turning - but in the end everything will be okay.

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