My Horse Is A Dream-Catcher | Teen Ink

My Horse Is A Dream-Catcher

June 12, 2014
By Ikoon BRONZE, Langley, Other
Ikoon BRONZE, Langley, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It captures all those persistent thoughts that fill my head in its intricate web of complexity and leaves in its place only the happiest of memories. Every once in a while, the taunting of unwanted dreams would awaken a vicious storm cloud that could crack the sky in two, but my dream-catcher would race across heavens in its pursuit. Along its way, it might stumble and fall; but at least I can say it tried. Bearing in its delicate hand-woven web are beads which are the dream-catchers’ most lethal weaponry. The extent of power and strength housed within are frivolous to the naked eye, but still it precedes its maximum sufficiency. These pernicious traps of broken dreams are scattered about the web made with finesse and dispelled at first light, clasping along with it the woe of yesterday. Threads of webbing rhythmically spiral in opposing directions and unite within the center of a strong willow hoop that reinforces the dream-catcher’s contents and offers it protection. Heavy feathers that once belonged to the wind are set parallel from each other with a bundle of lighter ones allowed to wave on a separate string of sinew where freedom will never cross their paths and they will never know of flight in fear of gravity. Years have passed and more to come; it will always be this way. A dream-catcher is one of those things that need no further interpretation or words to describe its significance and spirituality, as it is in tune with Mother Nature herself. It led the earth to the sky and is the reason that the stars align. In its presence, it might seem that all is merely a beautiful dream, but in its absence, you realize that all the serenity was really a false reflection of humanity.
But that’s not all it’ll be, and it never was all it was.

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