Service to the world. | Teen Ink

Service to the world.

March 17, 2014
By srijk BRONZE, Weston, Florida
srijk BRONZE, Weston, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everybody does a service to the world one day or another. I did three services to my community. They were all very rewarding, and I enjoyed being taking part in all of these satisfying events.
To start off, the first thing that I volunteered for was donating resources to veterans in foreign countries. I went from door to door and asked if the neighbors could donate any items that were not previously used. So, after they would donate any item, no matter what the size. After I was done collecting resources for the veterans, I went to a woman who delivered them to Iraq. The goods have successfully traveled to Iraq, and I hope that they become very useful in the soldiers’ fight for justice.
In addition, I also tutored kids at my local school. After school on Thursdays and Tuesdays, my school holds tutoring sessions after school from four to five. Although it is frustrating at times, for the most part I enjoy tutoring. I mostly tutor at the math department, but sometimes I tutor in the science or history departments. I get a feeling of happiness after I help a youngster learn math, science, or history. I get especially happy when they come back the next week and say, “Thank you for all your help Sriraj! I got a 100% on my last math, science, and history quiz.”
To put things more in perspective, I also went to a car wash to raise money for a recent kid who had heart surgery. To raise such a big amount, we had to come up with a great idea. In the end, we came up with the idea to have a car wash. Not only did we wash about thirty cars that day, but I also had a warm feeling after the car wash was over. I felt very glad that I helped to raise money for a good cause.

To top it all off, I enjoyed getting resources, tutoring kids, and raising money for a kid in need. Although these might be put off on the backburner for other kids, I definitely put volunteering first.

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