Reflection Essay | Teen Ink

Reflection Essay

January 7, 2014
By Colin Dibb SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Colin Dibb SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
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This class has been very beneficial to me, yet I am finding myself becoming more frustrated with each essay I turn in. I put time and effort into each one of my essays and they come back with a less than impressive grade.

I believe I am a hard worker with an even better work ethic. The first essay I wrote was about soccer, my favorite pastime. And I got torn apart for it. I entered that workshop session unprepared and I am still trying to learn from it. Just like soccer player learns from their mistakes on the field. I like to take what I learn from my mistakes in soccer and try and apply them to everyday life. I am wondering what I can do to improve my grade in this class, I am willing to work hard and achieve my goal.

This class has been beneficial to me as well. It has helped me write my college essay which is a pivotal part of each application I fill out and submit. My dream is to go to Florida Atlantic University, in hopes to play college soccer.

Another way it has been beneficial to me, it has allowed me to stay connected with a great friend. I met Molly my freshman year in Art Survey. But I only started talking to her because I liked her best friend, so our friendship started off pretty shallow to say the least. Over the months, we became closer and I remember one day in study hall she told me that her dad had left her and her mom the night before. And I was one of the first people to know. I looked at her, stunned, and thought to myself, Wow…she really trusts me. She remained a great friend through those tough months, always there with a smile and an overly enthusiastic “Hi Colin!!”

Last year, we had our up’s and down’s, typical high school drama. But I knew she was a friend that I wanted to keep. So I bought her a pair of purple Tom’s to repay her for everything she had done for me, and let me tell you, buying shoes for a girl really works! Every time she wears them she finds me and shows me and shows everyone else who is nearby. This class has allowed me to keep in touch with her. We help each other with difficult essay topics, she helps me and keeps me calm when I’m struggling, she edits my papers on moodle, and I keep her laughing all along the way. I know I can always count on her whenever I need her, and I’m happy I could spend these 4 years of high school with her.

This class has indeed been very beneficial to the development of my writing skills and so on—but it has also drove me to never give up on an essay even when it becomes frustrating. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction when I turn in an essay for the third or fourth time and receive a stellar grade. Who would have known an advanced composition class would teach me a life lesson as well as writing lessons.

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