First Day of School | Teen Ink

First Day of School

December 17, 2013
By ralph5 BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
ralph5 BRONZE, Lake Worth, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The worst time of my life was when I almost missed the first day of school. In the beginning of fall in 2009and I was 11 years old, that is when I started my first day of middle school. I remember being excited because now I wasn’t in elementary school any more so I felt like I was a big boy or as if I gained respect in some sort of way. This day was very important and really nerve-racking. So the night before I gathered every single thing I could possibly need for my first day therefore making my backpack as large as a boulder. I had made my first mistake when I decided to stay up past 10 watching a college football game. So now when I woke up I had already been running behind by five minutes the time I wanted to wake up, this had frieghtened me. So I flew out of bed and rushed down the hall to my bathroom to get ready. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and got dressed. Basically I did anything and everything to get my self ready. I also used body spray for the first time that day which I guess for a sixth grader was a really awesome thing to do at the time.

Now I have myself ready and it the time had come to get my lunch from the fridge. I look to see what had been packed and I will just say the contents were not that exciting. As soon as I got my backpack and lunch I realized I some time to spare. So I sat down on my couch for a couple minutes. I start to doze off and before I can catch myself I fall asleep. I wake up in a panic sweat to a honking noise and I wonder who and what it is. It’s my ride! So I bolted out the door with all of my belongings and rushed into my friend’s car.

It felt longer of a car ride than expected. The traffic had been just out of control, I could not believe my eyes when I stared down the never ending line of cars, trucks, vans and whatever motor vehicle you can think of. It made me get very nervous and paranoid about me being late on of all days the first day of school. At this point I had multiple scenarios going on in my head on what could happen to me if the bell rang with time expiring on me on the first day. My teacher could send me to the tardy room. She could also give me a detention or even a referral. I didn’t know what to think because what do sixth graders know about middle school on the first day? I feel like every time I glanced out the window the car moved about 2 inches which is very worrying since we needed to be there by this now, unfortunately it felt like we were not even close. I suggested to the driver that we walk the rest of the way to our class but she insisted that we do not get out of the car. Considering the fact there had not been any room to walk anyways.

Now we are pulling up to the school and I am prepared to fire out of the car like a rocket ship. The car ride honestly could not have been longer than flying to outer space and back. Before I can grasp the car door handle we move up a little closer in the car line and I fly back into my seat. Boom and I fell with my books slamming to the floor. I glare at the floor in despair that I see all of my books from my back pack are scattered. With only little time to grab them I scoop them up and get out of the car and I finally reached the school. As I am putting my books back into my bag right in front of the school main doors an announcement is said telling all students that are not in the school now have to be redirected to the tardy room. I can remember those piercing announcements as if the microphone was yelling at me. My face turns as red as an apple and all of the scenarios I remember conjuring up in my head were starting to be more of a reality. So now I fight through the crowd of teachers and students heading towards the tardy room so I can go the other way. I can see the door to get in and its closing so I slid a book to stop the door from locking me out of school and some how it stopped the door and I successfully snuck past the teachers and students.

I am in and I have to find my classroom through the giant echoing halls. Unfortunately for me I was very small and only a little pebble compared to the towering seventh and eighth graders, therefore finding my class was a difficult task in its self. Zooming through the halls I needed to find my class before it was too late, I recall that the air had been brushing past my face in my attempt to get to class on time which would result in my success. As I turn down the halls throughout the school I can here the clock ticking as if it was in synch with my heart beat as the clock ticks so do I. At this point my current state had been shaking, rattling, being frantic and panicking. This had disturbed me down to the core, but I couldn’t do that with only about a minute left I had to find my class. I made a lucky turn down a corridor and there the class room was.

I had finally found my class the feeling was triumphant and it overwhelmed me with joy. I have about 10 seconds left and I’m through the door. I hear the count down gradually getting louder the lower the number in my head 9...8…7…6…at this point it is a sharp piercing noise raging through my head…5…4…3…2…1 and I have successfully reached my seat. Now I’m in a panic to get all my supplies out as the teacher is coming around to see if we all have brought what we need for the first day. I now procured all of my belongings and was confident and ready to show my teacher Ms.Burns. That’s the story of how the worst time of my life was when I almost missed the first day of school. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “You may delay, but time will not.”

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