Hard Times Make the Heart Grow Fonder | Teen Ink

Hard Times Make the Heart Grow Fonder

December 15, 2013
By Kathryn Burmeister BRONZE, Naples, Florida
Kathryn Burmeister BRONZE, Naples, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Change is an inevitable part of life that without which, we would not be able to learn, grow, or prosper. Although it is hard to accept, sometimes alterations and adjustments to situations, (good or bad) are in the end, for the better. God hides many gifts in disguise, to give us hope and bring groups and the collective whole of humanity together. This idea was put to the test when I first discovered that I was an Aunt.

I slouched in the slashed seats of the gray, bulky car wondering how and why this had happened to me. Thoughts raced through my head one million times faster than I ever thought my mind could process something. I wondered if things were going to change between us. Would I no longer be looked at as the ‘cute little sister,’ the one that he, my brother Ryan, vowed to always love and protect against the awful people in this world? Would I have to reshape myself and lifestyle so that this could be unloaded onto me? ‘The world is ending’ is the only group or phrase of words that I could put together in this moment. The fact that I was no longer the main focus of our family was hard, and new for me to understand. It seemed like just yesterday my brother and I were outside swimming and wishing our older brothers luck as they pack their bags to head off to college. I guess, once again since I was a minor, I was seen as I was ‘unable’ to show any emotions or feelings.

Seeing the twins in person was the fist time I really adapted to and accepted this whole situation. They put a grin from ear to ear on my face and made me feel giddy inside. It was a genuine feeling that I had not felt about anything in a while it seemed. Not only were these two new editions to our family the biggest blessing we could ask for, but they were also a christmas miracle for us too. They were a huge eye-opener onto what was important in life and what was not. And that was the best christmas present of all.

Blessings come hidden and at difficult times sometimes. But I have acquired overtime that if you are open to accepting it, sometimes its the most beneficial thing for you. The more you embrace lousy or inferior situations, the easier it is to reach a conclusion and have it be a favorable outcome. Although it is hard to understand when the complication first approaches you, many teachings and gifts in life are hidden in substandard situations.

The author's comments:
This piece is a personal narrative which I wrote in my 9th grade english class.

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