Shattered Silence | Teen Ink

Shattered Silence

September 27, 2013
By Anonymous

I was sitting on the toilet in the cold, dark bathroom looking at the white blank wall, my parents had gone out with my siblings so I had the house all to myself. But all I did was stare at that blank wall feeling the cool tile on my bare feet. I was thinking about all the torture I had been through in my short life, like this one time a girl at school just the week before called me a man and everyone in the class exploded with laughter even the teacher had smirk on his face. I felt like garbage in that classroom and no one seemed to care not even the people who called themselves my friends.

I stood up and paced in the small bathroom trying to eliminate the terrible memory only to be faced with another, this time it was even worse. We were in class as the teacher was giving a lesson and I saw that a note was going around the classroom but I ignored it. Then as class was ending someone dropped the note on my desk I was hesitant to read it as we were lining up for our next class, but curiosity overcame me and I couldn’t get the paper unfolded fast enough. But when I unfolded the paper and read the sloppy handwriting my heart dropped, the note was about me. My classmates had created a list of horrible lies about me and and when I looked up I could see that some of them were smiling at the tears that were welling up in my hurt and saddened eyes.

I was sitting at the toilet again trying to rid my mind of these traumatizing memories, but I had so many of these horrific incidents happening to me it was getting harder to forget them. I couldn’t take it anymore nothing worked. All I wanted was the pain to stop I wanted it all to end, and I knew of only one way to stop it, I was going to have to end my life. I couldn’t live with the sadness, depression, and having to put on a fake smile every day.

So I walked into the bathroom and picked up the unopened bottle of bleach, my mom had just brought it the day before. I slowly twisted off the blue cap, put the rim of the bottle to my dry lips and poured it into my mouth. It tasted foul and I was about to spit it out but I stopped myself, there was no turning back now so I swallowed it and drank some water to get rid of the awful taste in my mouth. After I drank my water, which didn’t help much, I sat down at the kitchen table with all the lights turned off waiting. And about five minutes later my mom and my younger siblings came home. My mom asked why all the light were of but I didn’t answer her, I was feeling really dizzy and just threw up all over the floor.
My mother panicked and called for an ambulance, before the paramedics arrived I blacked out and the next thing I know I’m waking up in a hospital bed with my mom sleeping in a chair next to my bed. I gently shook her awake and asked her what happened and she told me that the doctors had to resuscitate me twice and that I could of died. Then she asked me why I drank the bleach, I told her it was because I wasn’t being heard, I felt like I didn’t have a voice. And when I said that she started to cry, then I started crying, we cried and cried until we fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Sep. 29 2013 at 9:34 pm
Fatou Waggeh BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 1 photo 2 comments
I live to hear feed back on my piece if anyone has any, it would really help me better my writing.  

on Sep. 29 2013 at 8:58 pm
Fatou Waggeh BRONZE, Bronx, New York
1 article 1 photo 2 comments
Any feed back would be great.