A Friend is a Friend | Teen Ink

A Friend is a Friend

September 11, 2013
By indaman15 BRONZE, Clare, Iowa
indaman15 BRONZE, Clare, Iowa
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Riding a snowmobile can be one of the most exciting things you do, especially when your riding with your friends. It doesn't matter how old a friend is, it only matters that your friends.

It all started when I was talking to Jim after my altar serving training in early 2012. Jim is a well known Clare farmer. He is very nice and is definitely a snowmobile addict. I asked Jim if anyone around goes snowmobiling, since I had recently purchased a snowmobile from a relative. Sure enough, he used to have the same snowmobile I have, but back when it first came out. We ended up talking for about two hours, which is long time for just one topic matter.

He invited me over to take a look at his collection of snowmobiles and snowmobile parts. I found out that we live only a mile from him. When I first walked into his shed, boy was I impressed! There was about five snowmobiles in there, and piles of parts. Jim is a Polaris guy, and so am I, so there was many things in that shed I recognized. He gave me some old parts that I sure needed, that helped me out a lot. It was then that I learned that I had a new friend, a 75 year old snowmobiling legend.

After talking to him after every mass, we got closer and closer. Like every friendship should be. Jim said that once their was decent snow, we would ride. On January 6, 2013 Jim, Dominic, Derek and I set off on a 60 mile journey. We each had our own snowmobile and went all around Clare and almost to Fort Dodge. We each got stuck in deep powder a couple of times. Jim, Dominic, and I drag raced. Jim, riding a 2013 Polaris 600 Rush, won. Dominic and I raced at speeds of 85mph! We jumped our sleds too! After about five hours we went home. Thrill is the word that best described that day.

Some parts on my snowmobile broke from the trip. I asked Jim what I could do to fix them. “Bring her over”, Jim said. Him and I fixed everything that was broken. The nicest thing was that he let me use his shed that has a heater, tools, and his hardware/parts in it. It was very generous that he let me do that. Hardly ever does somebody let you work on your stuff at their house.

Jim and I still talked after every Sunday Mass. I even invited him to my Conformation gathering at Old Bostons. Recently, Jim invited my brother and I to go on a snowmobiling trip in Michigan. Hopefully I can go, I think it would be so much fun.

Donovan, my brother, asked Jim to be his Conformation sponsor. Donovan and Jim talked for five hours the other day. As you can tell, Jim loves talking.

All in all, Jim is a great guy that loves to talk. Jim shows his passion for snowmobiling with the stories he tells and I enjoy the moments I can spend talking or riding with him. Friends should be remembered and always though of, because one day they might not be here.

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