Fun in the Snow | Teen Ink

Fun in the Snow

April 24, 2013
By essie130 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
essie130 BRONZE, Mesa, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breaths away
- maya anglou

Shoving everything into my bags, I was hoping i didn’t miss anything. Even when I think I have everything, I tend to miss at least one thing, usually my brush. I yelled to my mom, “let’s go,”and like a bolt of lightning, we were on our way to the airport. I was going to visit my father that i hadn’t seen since i was three, so i didn’t know how it was going to go. After an hour in the car my mom and I arrived at the airport. We went through airport security,and without fail, my mom set off the metal detector,so security had to pull her aside and pat her down. After my mom had her pat down we headed towards the terminal. After waiting another half hour, it was time for me to board the plane, since I was a minor and flying alone I had to wear one of those annoying bracelets and board last. I gave my mom a hug squeezing her like a person would squeeze a lemon to make lemonade making sure you get all of it and then boarded the plane. After three long hours, I had arrived in St. Paul, Minnesota.

The last one to exit feeling stranded on a desert island, stepping of I immediately saw my short stocky dad. After going to baggage claim and picking up my luggage, we headed outside to meet up with the rest of the family who were waiting in the van. Only it was snowing and me never being in the snow, I was wearing jeans and a tee shirt, frozen like a Popsicle I headed towards the van. After the three hour plane flight i had to endure three more hours to get to Burt, Iowa.

The next day, my dad took me to get a heavy coat and boots so i didn’t slip and fall. After going to the store my dad took me my two little sisters across the street from a park, where there was a mountainous hill with steep and curvy slopes, just looking at it made my heart jump from my body and feel as if it was riding the hill before i even got to the top. I was afraid to try, I saw how much fun my little sisters were having, and listening to my dad urging me to try. I got the courage to attempt going down the humongous hill, I headed towards the top with a huge lump in my throat and my mouth dry. I took a deep breath and sat down in the sled “one, two, three,” I counted out loud .and with a sudden push I was off, scared i closed my eyes and before i knew it I was at the bottom, it was fun my body rushing with adrenaline I decided to give it another shot. The second time around I took my sister Ariana, who sat in the back. Not realizing we were tree bound we pushed off, within moments I found myself throwing my feet out of the sled trying to brace myself for the impact. We had hit the tree, my feet hitting first and Ariana slamming into my back, folding like an accordion i hit the floor, lying there motionless not realizing what happened. What started as a dead silence, my sisters cries soon brought me to alert as i turned to check on her, realizing she was fine and just shaken up, I look over to see my dad laughing unaware of the pain on my face, after not seeing us bounce to our feet he ran over in terror to check on us. My dad tried helping me up but like a baby just learning to walk I was clumsy and had to hold onto his shoulders while he led the way to the van.

Waiting for my step mom Mariel, my dad carried me inside the house. Seeing the size of my shoe I was scared to lift up my pant leg too see the damage the tree had done. Mariel arrived to the house after getting a chill thrilling phone call from my dad, luckily she was a nurse and had experience with accidents. She bent over to see my foot only her pregnant belly got in the way so I had to try to lift my foot onto the stool. I lifted my pant leg to reveal a disturbing site, my ankle was as big as a softball and when i took of my shoe and sock I saw how deformed my toe was, my toe was crossed over to my second small toe something i thought i would never see. My dad and step mom rushed me to the emergency room. We didn’t have to wait as a nurse took me back quickly and x-rayed my foot then took me back to a room. My dad was with me by then. Although the doctor came in and gave me two shots on each side of my toe to try and numb it, he didn’t wait he jumped right in and the first try he grabbed my toe and brought it over to its rightful place. Panic-stricken I grabbed my dad’s hand and squeezed as hard as i could , but the doctor wasn’t finished he went back in for the second try and wiggled my toe to get it back into place, it failed. The third and final time i knew he had gotten my toe into place because i let out a ear piercing shriek and then looked to find my toe swollen blue and purple. The nurse took me to get x-rayed again to see if it was in place and it was thank goodness because i had enough pain for the day. After I got discharged and immediately called my mom to tell her the news, “mom, guess what?” “i dislocated my toe”I said, “no you didn't quit playing” my mom said, “okay you’ll see it when its time for me to go back home.” Our conversation ended,and my mom didn't believe me, she had a surprise coming for her.
A couple days later I was boarding the plane only for my mom too see that I really did dislocate my toe. When we got home i showed my mom my blue and purple toe, i explained to her that i was sledding with Ariana and the tree and jumped out and hit me, it was in my way. It took two months for my toe to fully heal and to this day i can only bend it a little. A few things I learned from this experience is to never go sledding with my dad when there are trees involved because those trees will jump out and catch you when you're not looking, and you might get hurt when you don’t go in designated areas and you could end up getting a doctor named Dr. Doolittle.

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