The day that haunts me | Teen Ink

The day that haunts me

January 12, 2013
By Crazysoftballgirl BRONZE, Mitchell, South Dakota
Crazysoftballgirl BRONZE, Mitchell, South Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I remember it like it was yesterday. That day will haunt me for the rest of my life. The day I broke my right wrist. My cousin Ashley and I where out at my aunt's house just horseback riding when, I got thrown off my horse! My cousin had a please-be-ok look on her face and she went to get my aunt. When they got back I heard my cousin say "she was just riding and the horse went mad!" When my aunt asked if I was ok I said " I think I am" soon after she was checking my arm to say it was broke. I was so freaked out that I was crying,laughing,and talking all at the same time. The next thing I knew I had passed out.
When I woke up I saw bright lights that gave me a headache. Because they gave me a headache I made I little sound. When I looked around everyone looked happy. It was weird knowing that people were happy but why? Then my doctor came up to me, and asked a whole lot of questions. From there he started with the process of making my arm better.
Since, I had a broken wrist they had to put a cast on my arm. They asked what color I wanted and the only color I was thinking of was red. Only because I saw tons of blood from my mouth, arm, and nose. So I just said red. The doctor and nurses went to get this type of cotton thing to put under the cast material. Then they put the cast material on they had to get it wet so it would stay on my arm.

When they where finish the cast was really heavy, so they gave me a sling. It made it easier to carry around the cast. When I got that they told me I had to come back in a couple weeks to get my big cast off to get a smaller cast. I went to get medicine and they sent me to school the next day.

Because, of the cast school was hard with a cast. I couldn't do much in P.E or recess so it got boring. I was in gymnastics and I couldn't do anything but watch. The cast made it hard to do anything. All I was thinking about was when will I get this stupid thing off my arm.

The cool thing that I had with my cast was everyone was coming up to me and asking me if they could sign my cast. I felt happy when people asked that because I thought that people do care and it was cool to have so many names on it.

If you ride a horse make sure you are not scared and you trust your horse. If you don't then well you might end up with a cast. It's not bad having a cast it's just really annoying to not do a ton of things. Take my word! If you don't want a cast from riding a horse then trust your horse and don't be so scared of one. (Oh and just to let know a year later I broke the same wrist the same way.)

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I wanted to write what was on my mind and this is the first thing that was. But I hope you like it.

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