Buzzer Beater | Teen Ink

Buzzer Beater

January 11, 2013
By chris222 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
chris222 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s a windy and frigid day. We are getting off the warm bus walking to the front door of Greenville. We are a pretty hungry team, only winning one of our five games so far this season. We looked like a bunch of lions that have only eaten one thing in five days. Nothing was going to be able to stop us from this win. Walking in the doors of Greenville we could feel the pressure on us to bring a win back home. I am so nervous because I didn’t know how well I was going to do. In my mind all I could think of was, “Can I do what my coach wants me to do?” I have pressure on me because I am starting at point guard even though I am a shooting guard. I can still hear those words ringing and echoing in my mind.
“I just can’t put my mind around the fact that I was starting point guard. I mean I was so happy my brain was jumping with joy.” I thought.
Coach told me,“Christian you’re going to be starting at point guard because I can trust you to do the best and what I ask of you.”
. . .
Right when I stepped on to the court I could sense the intensity in the air. I knew we had our hands full because we had to stop a 6’4” center. I could not believe how tall this kid was for a middle schooler! I hope our centers are ready for this kid. I was staring at him when I walked by saying in my mind, “If only I could get that tall.”

When we got to the locker room we got changed into our uniforms and were looking around just waiting for, coach Kaman to come pump us up. It was so quiet just like a mouse would be. Someone broke the silence by saying “Hey guys, you can’t trust an acupuncturist because they are backstabbers.” Making every laugh like a bunch of hyenas.
Then coach Kaman walked in and yelled, “We have to win tonight. Sure they have got a 6’4” center the size of a giant but who cares. We have team players and not selfish players like him. Lets go show them we mean business. Team on three, one two three.
“Team!” We all screamed at the top of all are lungs.
We all ran out of the locker rooms and to the bench. The team ran out at the same time, right next to us and one of them sneered at us saying“You guys are going down.”
We could hear the crowd chanting.“Let’s go Greenville let’s go!” The whole gym was shaking. The crowd was getting into it now. I couldn’t even hear myself think.
We got matched up to the player we are going to guard. I was so excited when I found a kid that was my height and he was the point guard. I was nearly jumping up and down when I saw him. I shouted out his number,“ I got three!!!!! I got three!!!!”
“Let’s go Greenville let’s go!” They shouted with no mercy. It was cutting into my ears. I couldn’t stand it for much longer.
We’re getting lined up for the jump ball. The referee blowed the whistle and there goes the ball in the air. We won the jump ball. I quickly grabbed the ball. I passed the ball to Eli Spencer who shot the ball from the elbow.SWISH! He made it.
It was going back and forth for a long time. They got up by ten on us in about two minutes. Coach had enough of it so he called a timeout.
“What's going on out there you guys? We should be up by ten and not them. You guys are playing like a bunch of little 4th graders out there. Get in here team on three one two three TEAM!!!” He screamed.

“Let’s go Greenville let’s go!” They were still screaming out that chant.
We came within five points. Then the fourth quarter comes along really quick. With one minute left in the game we are down by four. Lucas Snyder drives to the hoop. He gets fouled.
“NO way!” as the crowd protested.
He makes both of his free throws. We are now down by two. With 1.3 seconds left on the clock, the other team calls a timeout. Coach draws us up a quick play . The play was where I start at the elbow and run to the halfcourt line and get the ball and shoot. We get back on to the court and get in our spots. Jared Wohlford screams,“GO!!”
“Come on Greenville!” yelled a mom.
I ran to the half court line. He throws me the ball. I quick take two dribbles to get a better angle. With .3 seconds, I threw the ball in the air . It hits the backboard and goes in the hoop. My lungs are screaming with joy while I get piled on by the rest of my team.
“Yeeeaaahhh!”screamed my mom.
The Greenville crowd was just shocked. We came home with a victory and a good feeling inside.The final score was 37-36.

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