That Thing | Teen Ink

That Thing

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

The classic happy birthday anthem was inside my ear and out the other. My eyes darted forward and the large presents were about to come my way. As soon as the song ended I looked into the seven bright glowing, glimmering, and beaming blue candles, took a deep breath, and wished for a new pair of rollerblades like the celebrities skaters have.
Cake and ice cream was quickly distributed in an orderly fashion, and the time had come to open the large pile of presents. I ripped through the presents in record speed saving the biggest one for last. My mom handed me the large box, and I tore into it.
My ultimate wish had finally come true. I had myself a new pink and green colored pair of roller blades. The sides of them had large white clouds and wings almost to seem as if one was flying. "Isn't that what you wanted?" My asked excited that I had got what I had asked for.
My dad came out with a large pair of scissors and opened up my new blades. I loved blading down the street with my neighborhood friends. Everyone in the neighborhood was older than me and already had a pair so now, I was at their level and equal to them. My parents weren't able to take off the roller blades for a few years after that.
Of course, my feet were not going to stay the same size for long and I quickly grew out of the roller blades. At first it made me sad but once all of the other neighborhood friends stopped playing outside and "grew up" I felt okay about it. I loved the blades and they were really the first gift that gave me freedom. That night as I was put to bed, I could barley keep my eyes open as the birthday anthem repeated in my head and, how my only true wish came true.

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