50ft drop | Teen Ink

50ft drop

January 15, 2013
By fangoooo BRONZE, Standale, Michigan
fangoooo BRONZE, Standale, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The van was cold as we rode through the forest road. We were headed to Alpha Grand Peak the largest airsoft field we could find, standing at over 5 miles with at least 4 miles of hills and forest standing around the massive lake with a 50ft mountain in the middle with a base on top.

As we pulled up the to the gas station preferably SpeedWay it was his favorite in the foreign area we got out of the car at around 5:00 in the morning the light blinded my eyes as we walked inside. I walked over to the snack section and got a Ho-Ho a pound of Jack Links original beef jerky and a few boxes of candy
“Michael” my dad called from the coffee section.
“yeah” I returned
“Do you want some coffee”
“Sure” I said delighted to have the drink.

We payed for all of our stuff and got back in the car I had a big bag of sour skittles that numbed my mouth and some of my coffee which turned out to be hot chocolate with French Vanilla creamer which i thought would have been 10 times better than some bitter coffee. “Dad” I said
“Yeah” he returned
“Are we almost there yet”
He didn't say anything for a moment and then turned down a long narrow turn and there in front of a massive old lab type building at least 3 stories and 10,000 sq ft so we headed towards it and looked inside, … there was nothing and all of the sudden I felt a twang of pain on my back and a beebee dropped from the area where i was hit.
“Ow” I said
“Hey, you here for the soft air” a kid around my age maybe 12 or 13 said, he grinned
“Yeah” i returned
Well hurry up and meet me back here when you're done”
“Ok” I said
As I was sprinting back to the truck i heard a loud bang from my shoulder and smoke filled the building “HURRY!” I could hear him yell.
My dad brought my two favorite guns, a m4a1 fully auto and my favorite of all the DSR the most powerful airsoft gun in the world. I ran back to the building and we moved

“What unit are we in” I said curiously
“First sent seal team six you know because we're the... pros, I hope you are’’ he grinned
“Is it just us”
“Yeah, but second sent is on the opposite side”
“well that sounds just delightful!” I said
“I know right”

We both laughed and in split seconds we were under heavy fire, three men were in front of us we dove behind a long log and covered.
“We need to take the assaults first” I said
“Ok” he said
“cover me I’m runnin over there” I yelled
The blockade was 30 ft away... I ran like lightning getting spread with copperhead bullets from the machine gun all over my side as I dove a frag exploded behind me causing a huge loud blast. I wasn’t out yet only if you get hit in the chest or head. We took out the two guys on either side, The gunner was 100ft away directly above us. and I took out my special weapon a 3ft long drone and I flew it into the air.
“Back up airstrike inbound” I Yelled He laughed and I dropped 10 mini frags on the guy... the noise was unbearable. “Holy crap” I said
“Man where the heck did you get that”
“Umm... Youngs Army and Navy Surplus”
“Never heard of it”

We carried on through our mission and around 12:30 in at night we had eyes on our target. A man maybe 20 or 21 wearing the generals hat
“Jason do we have eyes on the general”
“Yah Jason”
“Ok Michaels got him move in on his shot”
“Michael take him out get ready to move”
The air was still and cold on the long ridge we layed on my sights were perfect, I raised a little and to the left BANG. We ran like cheetahs down the huge slope reaching total fall out. we grabbed 2 canoes at the bank of the river. The walkie talkie crackled to life “Good shot Michael”

We moved up the lake quietly hoping not to be seen by the enemy. A little later we slammed into the wall of the building maybe 10 ft high silently we clambered up the last few steps and checked our corners and moved in. Silently we crossed into the next door a huge explosion we were rocked back and flung off the hilltop and bam we hit the water.

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