Good ole Billy | Teen Ink

Good ole Billy

December 17, 2012
By cowboysfan6811 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
cowboysfan6811 BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was starting off as a good school year; I was waiting for this torture to end as usual. My friend “Happy” was helping me with that dreaded Algebra II homework. We were learning about absolute value graphs and we talked a lot. I used to talk to big old Billy Iverson; in fact I talked to him the most. I remember in junior high school how he was the teacher’s pet in every class. The teacher’s would see his name and immediately give him an A+ for the year. I used to be friends with Billy, but I wasn’t as smart as him. I was a straight B+ student. Billy, Happy and I used to be best friends. We would go out and talk about how rich Billy was. Happy and I were poor so we hung out at Billy’s house. His parents loved us; they would give us money, $50 a week to take the trash out because Billy didn’t want to. Billy wore khakis and a polo shirt to school. The weird thing was that he wore the nicest pair of Nikes his parents could afford, which was mostly all of them. His parents were rich, because Billy’s Dad was a lawyer in China who moved here to retire, but wanted more even more money for his wife and son. Now he is the CFO of Target. So he took a 50 % pay cut getting $150,000 annually. One day Billy decided to use money for evil and not for good. It all started in the 8th grade when Billy was invited to a party by the schools’ rich kids. Which you know are underage drinkers.
Billy was invited to a party, but they wanted him to pay for everything. I went to it, but the beer and Vodka popped out, I was out of there in a heartbeat. We went to school the next day: I didn’t see Billy for the next week. Then Billy came over and said he was going to hang out with the rich kids. I never saw Billy again.
I was now in 10th grade and had totally forgot about Billy, until he decided to make fun of people in high school and one of the them was me. Day after day he would continue to verbally bully people: until I decided to get even with the scrawny kid.

It was the 2nd semester and I and Billy had team sports together. He wasn’t very athletic, but he was very smart or used to be. It was a Friday afternoon, when we were playing football. They picked teams and I was picked in the middle and he was picked last. I tried to get him to say he was sorry about what happened and he said no way loser. I took the words and they bellowed in my mind. It was 1st and 10 on the 40 yard line. I was a wide receiver and was running a fly and I caught the ball ad started running. Billy was the safety and had to chase me down and I stiffed-armed him down to the ground. He was in so much pain; coach carted him to the nurse to be a laughing stock of the whole school.

Later I would walk by him and ask about how it felt to be the laughing stock of the school. I made him see how every time he did this to other kids it was going to back to him; I would make sure of it.

The author's comments:
The impact of bullying people

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