A Thin Piece Of Paper | Teen Ink

A Thin Piece Of Paper

December 11, 2012
By LifeIsAJourney829 SILVER, Kannapolis, North Carolina
LifeIsAJourney829 SILVER, Kannapolis, North Carolina
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Favorite Quote:
Look past the eyes, and gaze into the sky, whenever you feel like your about to cry. Look up and down and left and right, to catch a beautiful sight. - Me "Christian Torres"

"A pencil, a thin piece of paper, a writer, and a thought." These are the 4 key roles of being a writer and you should always know that. My name is Christian Torres, I am a true writer. I started to like writing at the age of 7, I always saw my sister writing and always thought "well if she is writing well maybe I should" so I did. Writing is a way to let me escape out of all my misery and hate. It let's me be who I am as this writer, I am undefined and no person can make me write what they want me to write. A thin piece of paper is my best friend when I am down and just plain annoyed by someone. I write about anything that comes to mind, and sometimes it might even be a song. As a writer it is my job to let the people see the true hidden thoughts deep beneath my brain, but not really deep secrets. Sometimes it might get out of control but I know that there will be editing in my life and my writing. People always tell me that "You need to wake up and smell the dang roses"... Well what if I don't want to, this is my body and I control it. Me as the writer expresses myself to the extent until I pass out and say enough is enough! I am who I am, so don't get in my way. I have potential as a writer and a singer in me that some people might not have. "My life feels like a chapter in a book, that will never be opened up".

" A singer, a composer, a 15 year old, and a boy". These are 4 key roles of me and who I am in real life that I should take to mind. I am only one person in this body, so it is hard to live in this world. I say that to be one person you must have strength, honor, dignity, and hope in your writing. As a person you have the right to speak freely and calmly, but sometimes you can let out some emotion that is what I do. Writing is another way to let people know were you are coming from. I would mostly sing my writing because I write my own music. Just a 15 year old boy knows how to write his own music and write in general, mostly some boys my age don't even do that. I am who I am as a person, I love writing and singing my own music because I actually think I can make it big time, but I know I will never make it into that category. I have hopes and dreams of making it as a famous writer or a famous singer. As I would say in my mind that no person will ever bring me down from fulfilling my very own dream. I think it is time for me to make a new chapter into my life. This story is the beginning of making my new chapter in my new life. I am someone who does not take "no" for an answer, someone who loves to have some type of fun or even an adventure.

"A learner, a rebel, a person, and an undefined". These are 4 key roles of being a writer in my own case, but I think that is what people should have in there writing role. To be a writer you must have courage of what you are writing don't let people stop you, laugh at you, and even bring you down. That is were they the bully or in some cases as I would like to say is "snob" would win. I go through this everyday, but I know somewhere deep inside there is someone wanting to come out and stand up but can't. You have to be undefined for who you are as a writer that is what I believe, but most writers I see just write about random thing's that come in there mind. They can be from love, life, self-esteem, hatred, movies, and even a dream they had. I don't write about some of those thing's, but I do know is that I like to experiment with my writing. I believe that everyone should experiment with there writings, but they don't. If I ever get an opportunity to actually put my writing for showing you better believe I'll be on top of that in an instant. I think what I am trying to say is that writing and I are the best pair to be set up with each other. If I had a choice of marrying someone or something... it might be writing I know what it seems, but writing is a part of me that I will never let go.

"A pencil, a thin piece of paper, a writer, a thought, a singer, a composer, a 15 year old, a boy, a learner, a rebel, a person, and an undefined" These are the 12 key roles of who I am as a writer.

One last thing I want to say, you need to know who you really are in this world... There are some things in life that may be hard for you to do. Even when they mean risking your very own life. I know it is hard to live in a world were there are people who make fun of you or even hurt you..... I had those things happen to me many times and I have to say it is really hard, but I know that I can get through it :). I think that there are some times when you get really over the edge and you can't take it any longer. As I would like to say, When you suffer, crying and pain, you learn that there are better thing's to do when you are sad.

* Life Is A Journey!!! ;D!!!!!*

The author's comments:
I live through things everyday, and I have to say it really sucks. By now people are suffering for being who they are, that is where I come in. I want people to know that I am there for them. So I wrote this before summer. So this story is basically about my life and why I started to write and how it affects my daily life.

Hope You Like It!!!!!

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