Atmosphere | Teen Ink


October 30, 2012
By ShayTaco BRONZE, Medford, Oregon
ShayTaco BRONZE, Medford, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"LOUD NOOOOISES!"- Brick Tamland

The lights were cut. The entire room went dark, other than the spotlight shining on the stage. The crowd began to chant: “Slug. Slug. Slug...” A dark figure walked out onto the stage. He moved in front of the spotlight. The crowd cheered and shouted. Slug was on stage.
For a moment Slug just stood there, blankly looking out into the sea of jumping heads. The rest of Atmosphere prepared their instruments, blasting out guitar twangs and drum beats, as they tuned them in sync. Slug shouted into the mic thanking us for coming out on a Wednesday night. The group started the music. I could feel the bass tremble the floor, all the way through the center of the crowd. My body could feel the vibrations of the bass. As Atmosphere played more music, the crowd began to jump and move more, expressing their excitement of the sounds. From all the people and movement , the room slowly heated up. In a matter of minutes, it felt like a sauna in the building. I started to perspire. My tank-top absorbed my sweat until it was completely drenched. The room began to give off an odor that made the room stuffier and stuffier. Besides the scent of body odor, there was also an unusual smell. Some audience members were also smoking marijuana. I saw a man moving through the crowd with his head down because he was smoking a joint. He blew the smoke in my face, and walked away. I was having too much fun to express my dislike of his actions. In seconds he disappeared into the crowd. Then, moments later, a bouncer was following the scent of the drug, pushing me to the side, trying to find the guy. It was kind of a coincidence because I personally knew the security guard. I asked him if he found the guy smoking. All he said was, “I always get them!”
Although the concert was on a school night, I had a blast! It was my first concert, and I’m very glad it was an Atmosphere one. I love their music! Slug pretty much summed up the way I felt about the concert. He said, “You know, I’m really happy you all came out tonight.” The crowd cheered after he said that. He continued on saying, “I look out into this crowd of people. People, each individually, made time in their own agenda’s to come to this concert. Because I love the idea of people going out of their way to listen to this beautiful, beautiful thing called music.”

The author's comments:
It was my first concert, ever.

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