Homecoming stuff... Oh my. Bless. | Teen Ink

Homecoming stuff... Oh my. Bless.

January 31, 2012
By SakHor SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
SakHor SILVER, Paris, Tennessee
5 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You cant have a million friends, without a few enemies!"

Tuesday Morning, stting here with Liz.. listening to Morning Announcements. And they suddenly randomly say we have homecoming! Starting TOMORROW. So late notice... and to my personal opinion, the dress up days are jank. (you can tell they made them up last minute) They probably made them this morning anyways.
Wednesday (TOMORROW)-
Thurday- Camo/Western day..
Friday- Your favorite team.. OR SENIOR CITIZEN..
(How in the world do you come up with those two together! I mean I can see the camo & western.. but really?! hahaha.. sports & old people...?! I'm tellin ya, last minute!"
and it doesnt even stop on Friday.. it goes on til Monday! hahhaaha...
Monday- Patriot Pride day.

For homecoming, I really would want a pep rally & like a homecoming queen :) haha..
Hhhmm... Whatever. I probably sound so stupid :) haha.. WHooo hhoooo, lets do homecoming!

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