Spiritual Home | Teen Ink

Spiritual Home

December 22, 2009
By Anonymous

The big glass doors open and inside lays a different realm. The flowers placed to decorate the opening of the room, make it smell as if it were a floral shop. There are always people ready to warmly greet and welcome those who are incoming. People are walking in and out some to stay, some to learn, some to preach, some to serve, some to pray. People come together here for all different reasons.
Going through the hallway, there are flocks of little children running wild. The Children yell at each other about poke?mon, transformers, and the latest video games. The children’s high, happy voices can warm any heart. Then, they are long gone as quick as the appear.
The smell of Korean food overwhelms the kitchen and cafeteria. There are always people in the kitchen frantically cooking to feed the whole church. Rushes of hungry people come out of service ready to eat. They come in one by one and get food to take to their tables. The quiet cafeteria quickly becomes a packed room full of discussion. The cafeteria is so full with people it is almost impossible to move; even so there is a sense of community. In that community is comfort.
This is a place people can come and belong. Where everyone will feel comfort in belonging and children run around without a care. This is a place where everyone loves to serve one another. This is a place some people would call a home away from home.

The author's comments:
inspired by my church

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