Untitled | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By raddatzala SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
raddatzala SILVER, Delafield, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, an athlete, a student, an employee, and a girlfriend. All of these things are part of my life, but they do not define who I am as a person. Just by knowing these surface-level facts about my life, you would not be able to tell what I have to offer in terms of personality and character.

I am compassionate. I am the kind of person who makes an effort to really understand what people are going through and offer the best help I can. Should anyone need support, I am one text or call away. I strive for personal connections because being able to have a good support system and being able to support the ones I love brings me all the joy in the world.

I am empathetic. I feel others’ feelings just as much as they do. As I spend more time with someone, I will begin to tune into their emotions and notice the slightest shift in their mood. When someone I love begins to cry, I will cry with them. When someone laughs, I laugh with them. I really love it when I meet someone who has a contagious laugh because those tend to be the most genuine people.

I am thoughtful. I love learning new things about my friends and family and when doing things like choosing what to get them for their birthday or what I should get for them from Starbucks, I am very considerate with my choices. I love to make handmade gifts and cards with handwritten notes and little chocolates that I know they love. I have learned that when I do something nice for someone else, it makes me feel great about myself too.

Although I know a little bit about who I am, I am still working on truly finding myself every day. I know I don’t know everything about myself, my morals, my values, and my motives, but I do know that I want to learn what those things are so I can gain a better understanding of how to love and take care of myself.

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